An Ethical Pot Question

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
A theif is a thief no matter what you steal or how little. Justification of stealing means nothing to me. If it's not yours leave it alone. Not to say there isn't a huge temptation there whether it be money or free smoke.

As for me I wouldn't. Though it would cross my mind. Do unto others as you would want done to you.


I suggest leave it alone! Not because they could shoot you. But because this person/people who planted this crop have probably spent a whole lot of time/resources to make it happen. I had a friend who grew something like 400 plants in a national park in the middle of no where. And even though its ileegal, even though its on someone elses land, He spent weeks out there. And if someone took that away from him he would be devistated. Not even because of the monetary value. But all the hard work!