AN nutes PH perfect ? ... NOT !!!


Well-Known Member
well that was exactly what I was assuming as well. to down the PH and keep it to a range of 5.5 - 6.5
I appreciate everyone's thoughts on this !
the discussion with the AN customer support made me insecure of my knowledge for a couple of days ......

Here are THE 3 I started about 2 weeks ago (10 days in rockwool after germination)

Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Bag Seed (in soil)



Well-Known Member
I use an ph perfect and even in 150 ppm tap water half stregnth nutes get me anywhere between 5.8 and 6 ph


Well-Known Member
there are few other people that told me the same thing. there are also some peps that have the same issue as me.
well....I just don't get it o_O

maybe AN aren't as consistent in their nuts after all....

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
well that was exactly what I was assuming as well. to down the PH and keep it to a range of 5.5 - 6.5
I appreciate everyone's thoughts on this !
the discussion with the AN customer support made me insecure of my knowledge for a couple of days ......

Here are THE 3 I started about 2 weeks ago (10 days in rockwool after germination)

Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze, Bag Seed (in soil)
Now I've never used rockwool, but I would say you're well on your way to a harvest. It seems your seedlings are stretching some, but I could be totally wrong on that...what light are ya using? And don't let AN representatives make you feel inferior, half of them haven't even grown a blade of grass. They're just passed down information to give growers like us, but in reality, you know your plants better than they do. And because everyone applies nutrients in their own set of circumstances consistent results are impossible, you just must dial into that sweet spot that your plants like. Good luck and happy growing, Trombon!


Well-Known Member
thanks man !

well, I'm using
2x 40W t%
4x 55W CFL

However, I started them with a stretch. I was not expecting for the seeds to germinate in about 24 hours. It took me a day to connect my lights , so for 24 hours they stayed in dark and they stretched quite a bit. I just covered the stem with another cube of rockwool.
the Super Silver Haze is doing alright so far, but the Super Lemon Haze ......just......take her time. I am also thinking this is due to the stretching then covering the stem. Maybe she's growing up roots ...
I'm trying not to freak out for no reason . YET !

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Ah I see, yeah I would say those two things are what factored into it stretching, so I wouldn't worry. What is it about the Super Lemon that makes you wanna freak out bro? Although idk which is which, they both look healthy to me...


Well-Known Member
first pic is the S. Silver
second pic is the S. Lemon

I grew a couple of the S Lemon Haze about 3 years ago and they just developed like super man. very fast. every time I was looking at them, it seemed they were bigger.
This one, on the other hand, it looks healthy to me too, but growing "kinda" slow. I mean, even the bag seed that is in dirt (third pic) looks bigger.


ph perfect is big lie with comics labled. anyway if u wanna use it u must buy a lot of ph down for veg and a lot of ph up for flowering. u can use di-water (ppm0) or ro-water (ppm20) that's all the same. more than ph6 (up to 7) for veg and less than ph5 (down to 4) for bloom. that's very funny AN suppost answers literally the same thing for everybody..
ps. am exactly not troll or some crazy) am just person who used all their ph perfect bases (including newest connoisseur grow and bloom) with complete grand-master line additives... complete 4 grows..u can trust me)


Well-Known Member
Don't adjust the PH!!..why is that so hard for people to understand? The solution is chealated and buffered to be available from 5-8 ph..the normal range for hydro doesn't matter with this line. I use 200ppm@.5 (.4ec), 7.6ph hard tap water, lots of Ca an Mg in my water... I'm using the Connoisseur A&B along with B-52 and mix according to the directions by plant stage. My ph never goes below 6.5, sometimes it's around plants look amazing, explosive growth,thick stems,tight nodes..and I'm running 4 different strains, all at 100% nute strength now(blueberry, vanilla kush, bubblegum auto, white cheese auto), with all the bad stuff I read I figured one of those strains would be sensitive to this stuff..nope, the autos aren't even showing the slightest sign of burn or anything with a PPM of appx 1400@.5, (2.6ec) at 5 weeks veg from seed. I was never a fan of AN, I always thought it was overpriced, I didn't even buy this stuff, i had it gifted to me..I'm liking it so far, I do want to try a different nute line next round for comparison of price and effect. It's going to be an expensive endeavor because I want to try a few different nute lines over the next couple years, figure out what's what for myself.
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Well-Known Member
Don't adjust the PH!!..why is that so hard for people to understand? The solution is chealated and buffered to be available from 5-8 ph..the normal range for hydro doesn't matter with this line. I use 200ppm@.5 (.4ec), 7.6ph hard tap water, lots of Ca an Mg in my water... I'm using the Connoisseur A&B along with B-52 and mix according to the directions by plant stage. My ph never goes below 6.5, sometimes it's around plants look amazing, explosive growth,thick stems,tight nodes..and I'm running 4 different strains, all at 100% nute strength now(blueberry, vanilla kush, bubblegum auto, white cheese auto), with all the bad stuff I read I figured one of those strains would be sensitive to this stuff..nope, the autos aren't even showing the slightest sign of burn or anything with a PPM of appx 1400@.5, (2.6ec) at 5 weeks veg from seed. I was never a fan of AN, I always thought it was overpriced, I didn't even buy this stuff, i had it gifted to me..I'm liking it so far, I do want to try a different nute line next round for comparison of price and effect. It's going to be an expensive endeavor because I want to try a few different nute lines over the next couple years, figure out what's what for myself.
U got balls brother. I understand what you are saying about the nutes buffering the ph and see that you are an experienced grower, I just could not walk away from my res if ph is higher then 6.2 although I have become much more complacent with my system using mills nutrients. Usually only check ph the day I do a res change adjust accordingly and let em do what they do.


Well-Known Member
U got balls brother. I understand what you are saying about the nutes buffering the ph and see that you are an experienced grower, I just could not walk away from my res if ph is higher then 6.2 although I have become much more complacent with my system using mills nutrients. Usually only check ph the day I do a res change adjust accordingly and let em do what they do.
I wouldn't exactly call myself experienced, I've got a couple soil grows down, this is my first go at hydro, but I've grown a garden and other plants for years now. The best advice i can give to anyone wanting to grow is learn about basic plant biology and nutritional needs and forget about MJ specifics until you know the basics of how plants can tell you what they want and need.
The big problem is, from my understanding after reading multiple posts of people who tried to adjust the PH , adding PH up/PH down won't do any good because of the buffers they use, their buffers are so strong they will cancel out any PH up/Down quickly, but that dose of PH up/down is going to neutralize some of the buffers reducing the solutions ability to maintain the PH where IT wants it, starting a cycle of PH swings and related issues. I do check my PH and PPM's but only using it as a reference, not an actual measurement.
I'm pretty convinced anyone having issues with this line just isn't following instructions and is trying to deal with it like traditional nutes, or has really crappy base water( I'd say 75% of them have this issue).

I've heard of Mills, haven't really looked into it, that's a dry nute right?. There are other nute lines that do the same exact thing as AN's PH perfect, they just don't advertise it. I honestly think in another 5yrs we will have nutes that we won't be checking at all because of these technologies, but for right you said..gotta have some big ones to let it ride until there is more user feedback..most people go into freakout shock mode when you mention ignoring know i did the first couple weeks.

And because this is related to AN i need to put this disclaimer so i don't get shit on: I'm not a AN fanboy, I was gifted these nutes to try, I'm an impartial party trying a new nute line and trying to spread my first hand if ya wanna hate..:finger:
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yes u right, ph up and downt not good itself for solution and plant but if ur ph down to 4 u have no chance..i have large experiences with outdoor soil growing...and that's absolutly different conversation...ur full AN dozes (4ml-L) give napalm buds 2u


i've read a lot of AN books and papers like ph manifesto and their weekly and dayly ph tests and that seems to me i use diferent nutrients...
AN support never say - yes this is our stuff does ur ph crazy, never..
they always tell about root problems from ur bad conditions..(solution temperature, water quality, and so on) i tryed all conditions and roots looks white and healthy but that change nothing/...u'll have real ph problems after 4-5 weeks. if u have auto strains that be not so noticable...but if ur vega stage be longer....wait for more burnt leaves and problems.


the biggest AN problem is PH, just try and check it..don't deceive yourself 6.8 or 4 never be beneficial for ur plant even if that AN urea


Well-Known Member
No the mills that I use are liquid made in Oregon I believe. Very simple a+b then an additional booster depending on veg or bloom. Right now I'm just using a+b in veg then the same in flower plus botonicare hydroplex bloom booster. Very stable with my tap water just a little ph down and my bennies. I set it at 5.7 and forget about it.


as i know there's AN fabric in oregon, i was sent from there their newest connoisseur grow and bloom...the same efect..i not found diference between GMB from canada and coni from OG ..all the same..something wrong with their "ph perfect"


Well-Known Member
Agree completely. Some people do have great success w their line of nutes. I just see so many people running into issues as well. I do think in the OP his main problem is not using RO water.

Funny thing is many of the other nutrient lines also balance themselves and just don't make a big deal out of it. AN spends a ton of money on marketing unlike many of the other companies thus jacking up the price.
My tap is 110 ppm (500 scale) and 7.6 ish pH. I've used AN pH perfect sensi nutrient at bottle instruction dilution. It lowers the pH no more than 6.5. Just like all the other brands. Ionic...Canna...General...all of them. They all drop my pH to 6.5. Perfect for soil but a little high for hydroponic/coco coir gardening. AN makes a BIG DEAL outta so called pH Perfect Technology but in reality....all the brands have pH buffers. AN's got SOME decent products. Extremely overpriced and the hype marketing is completely silly.


Well-Known Member
Also...the part A of Sensi Coco nutrient definitely has seaweed kelp in it. Smells like diluted Nitrozime. When i tried the brand....soon as i cracked the cap seal i got a faint whiff of kelp.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert but I find it hard to believe that AN would say to just roll with a ph of 8.0 and not adjust it.
I've been using veg+bloom dirty with my tap water which is around 7.3, at 1 tsp/gal it drop my Ph to 6.3-6.4 and holds it for about a week. It's honestly about as simple of a nutrient as it gets, same jar from veg - flower.


Well-Known Member
These are my hell monkey, akorn, and hell mint, maybe three weeks into flower. I've been using ph perfect for three years now with zero ph checks since my first 8 reading. I figured if it was 8 and they were still thriving there was no need to check it again. I've used them for garden starts in the spring, biggest pepper starts I ever sat out. Ph perfect is a bit of a misnomer, the ph doesn't matter, the formula doesn't correct adjust or balance the ph in any way. These are 3 gallon dwc, they spent a while in a makeshift box while I saved up for the tent and 600w hps to move them to, hence the raggedy late scrog jobNewImage_600_338_90.jpgNewImage_600_338_90.jpg

