An odd question regarding security

Why exactly do you need a room mate if you are able to harvest pounds? Why would you allow a roommate that you might even possibly have trust issues with. If there is trust issues, why does your room mate even know you have such a big stash. No one but my wife ever sees my whole crop. Anytime a friend comes over I always toss some in a bag so it looks like I bought it from someone else. If I was to make the terrible decision to have a room mate and try to grow I'd..........actually never mind I would never do that. I suppose if he was a partner on things maybe let him live there, but otherwise way to high of risk. You know what they say loose lips, will get you busted.

Everyone else has made some great options for securing things, it will be interesting to see if the OP even comes back. I see so many of the rant posts by people then they never come back and comment on the info they get form people.
Well, the OP is not one of those one-post-wonders... just an idiot.

Yeah, I want a roomie I can't be sure I trust to know I grow weed. I don't have enough people that might run to the cops with some info as it is. Maybe that's it - they can't evict the roomie because they know too much. Oh well - just tell them to help themselves now. You should have locked the door from day one, but now it is too late.
you really want to live with someone who you cant trust and who might be stealing from you? there are many ways to catch someone stealing, use a laptop camera and set it to motion sense and watch it when you get home, buy a cheap dvr camera setup 100$. setup a booby trap, like monofilament set it up at around thigh level somewhere and if its disturbed than someone was in there. I say use that because its really hard to see if your not looking for it and its super light so he wont feel a tugging when he walks through it. simply buy a small safe.. kick his ass out.. spray harmful chemicals in some weed and give it to him.. it would just be funny.. really you should never trust anyone when it comes to your weed plants and stash, he shouldn't know where it is, and if you grow weed you shouldn't have roommates unless they grow weed too.. get a lock on your door.. ive always said you want at least 2 to 3 locks between your weed plants and stash and the outside world.
Well, the OP is not one of those one-post-wonders... just an idiot.

Yeah, I want a roomie I can't be sure I trust to know I grow weed. I don't have enough people that might run to the cops with some info as it is. Maybe that's it - they can't evict the roomie because they know too much. Oh well - just tell them to help themselves now. You should have locked the door from day one, but now it is too late.

The OP only has 25 posts thats not a great track record.
The OP only has 25 posts thats not a great track record.

I meant that there is the occasional new account that posts a really strange first and only post and then vanishes, as if they are only posting BS to see what reaction they get. As far as I can tell here, this is just someone that doesn't understand the first rule of grow op.
I would also suggest leaving a little community stash out, if you are sitting on a pound, it seems selfish to hold out on your room mate. Spread the love and sunshine
How did you manage to get someone to live with you much less multiples ? You don't grow your a pot princess that is milking the fruits of others labor.