An odd question..

Before I get to my question, I don't come on here much anymore, I used to alot when I had some plants. That was a long time ago, and since I have given up my favorite passtime in favor of a more legal lifestyle, for the sake of my future. This question doesn't really fall into any other categories, and since I am not a medical patient (as far as the governments concerned:-P), I won't be using that section.

I DID smoke for over 2 years, but I have been clean for 7 or so weeks. However, during those 2 years, I smoked EVERY day....and towards the last few months of my cannabis smoking career, I was high nearly all day.

So anyways, you could say that I was a regular user. Most people I knew said that I smoked more than them, which does not surprise me at all considering I used it to alleviate pain from Chronic Migraines, and Back problems. Both of which plagued me everyday.

About 2 months ago, I was going about my regular routine; I had just smoked a good sized joint and a cig, and went to play xbox, when I noticed my jaw started to feel quite odd. The muscles became very tight in the side of my face (masseters). It began to pop and crack very loudly when I moved it, and if I moved it, it felt as if it were going to fall out of my head. It was extremely uncomfortable, and being the stoner I WAS, went to go smoke again in the hopes that it would relax my muscles, and ease my jaw discomfort.

It, unfortunately, did not; in-fact it got even worse. I couldn't stand it, it was the most uncomfortable I had ever been. I felt like I was too high, and I (obviously) could not become un-high. In a few hours, after I had become sober again, my jaw was more comfortable, but still oddly tight, and difficult to open all the way.

I went to an orthodontist a week later, after trying many times to smoke, with the same result. He said to me that I had TMJ, which is a disease of the jaw joints. He said I would have to where a splint for a few months, and then the muscles would be healed.

So my question is this, Has anyone here got TMJ, and does cannabis help, or does it make it worse for you? Though I do think it is quite odd, and unique, I don't know of a better cannabis community to ask other than rollitup.

(sorry for all the typin') PnP:leaf:
I had tmi, can be very serious. I had braces, mouth guard, even had jaw surgery where my upper jaw was cut out of my mouth and shifted to a more "fitting" spot in my mouth.

None of this helped. If you want to find the ultimate cure for your tmi and chronic migraines look for a craniosacral therapist in your area. I saw two before I found one that helped me. You can google uppledger* institute. Not sure of correct spelling but if you find the website they can find you a therapist in your area.


Well-Known Member
this wont help, but i think i have it too. i went to a dentist specializing in tmj in bayside ny (dunno where you from). but my uncomfortable-ness and pain comes when im not blazed.

i can hear it crack, shift, etc. it's nasty. i really should go get this checked up too...