An old article I was wondering about. Who's house got busted?


Well-Known Member
Found this on a site(not xpotting)back in the day and saved the pics in a folder. Just browsed through that folder again and dug them up. Anyone know the back story on this grow/bust?

01.jpg 02.jpg 03.jpg04.jpg 05.jpg06.jpg07.jpg08.jpg 09.jpg10.jpg11.jpg12.jpg


Well-Known Member
The great Tennessee pot cave!! I don't remember the whole story, but google that, and it will send you where you want.


Well-Known Member
better question is, Who owns it now ?? fukn awesome setup there...

bet he wishes he followed rules 1,2, and 3.. Dont tell any one, dont tell anyone, Dont fukn tell anyone....

Total Head

Well-Known Member
that tunnel is fucking awesome.

pic 4 did not sit well with me though. did anyone else notice he has those floros awfully far away? not like he needs my advice but i'd lower those a few feet if it was my shit. maybe he tried it and had heat issues.


Well-Known Member
They auctioned the property off with most of the equipment still there if memory serves. lol


Well-Known Member
bet he wishes he followed rules 1,2, and 3.. Dont tell any one, dont tell anyone, Dont fukn tell anyone....
They got caught because one day when the electric company sent a worker out to the house to see where the stolen electricity was being taken, and when he got there, a guy with a shotgun told him to leave. Lol.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
They got caught because one day when the electric company sent a worker out to the house to see where the stolen electricity was being taken, and when he got there, a guy with a shotgun told him to leave. Lol.
is that true? if it is then holy shit. i can't imagine a dude who's with it enough to set all that up but so stupid as to threaten a utility worker when the jig is up. i would have told the worker to wait there while i got the owner and i would have boogied out that tunnel like no one's business.


Well-Known Member
Damn imagine how rich they would have been if they didn't steal the electricity....what a stupid mistake

Living The Dream

New Member
Damn imagine how rich they would have been if they didn't steal the electricity....what a stupid mistake
they were mad rich though. iread the story on that. he had like 3-4 rooms going and had that one for a while. how do you think he could afford that house and all the construction mods. no one lived in the house though.


Well-Known Member
is that true? if it is then holy shit. i can't imagine a dude who's with it enough to set all that up but so stupid as to threaten a utility worker when the jig is up. i would have told the worker to wait there while i got the owner and i would have boogied out that tunnel like no one's business.
The whole story.

Police were eventually tipped off to the operation after the electric company discovered the missing electricity and sent crews to investigate. There are unsubstantiated rumors that man with a shot gun threatened an electric company worker in a confrontation at the houses massive front gate.
On December 14th 2005, the house was raided by national and local law enforcement agencies and three men were arrested in connection with the growing operation. Brian Gibson and Greg Compton were arrested in Tennessee and are believed to be the day-to-day managers of the operation. Fred Earl Strunk, thought to be the mastermind behind the operation, was arrested at his home in an affluent area of Gainesville Florida.


Well-Known Member

I wonder if they are out yet ? Probly got another one running now somewhere else...


Well-Known Member
what if someone bought the property and restarted the operation hmmmm nobody would expect that... haha

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
You'd have to rebuild it, after the fire, only thing left is the brick structure, and hydraulics in the tunnel ..

Plus the guy got 12 years for stealing electricity .. worth 60k !!


Well-Known Member
nothing in the cave was harmed from the fire. Just the house.

Back when Fred Strunk and company were building their invisible fort, the local electric company was asked to install a much larger transformer than usually required by a residence. But once the growing operation began, Fred and his gang found to their dismay they still did not have enough electrical power to operate the grow lamps required to raise 1,000 marijuana plants at a time.

They were afraid to ask the electric company to install more power
since this would be a very suspicious request without a "reason" to explain the greater need.

Afraid to risk exposure by making a second request, this left them with two choices: reduce the size of their operation or steal the needed electricity. They chose the latter path. The men spliced into the Tri-County Electric line and began to steal electricity

Living The Dream

New Member
so stupid. should have just gotten a generator. they were probably just being greedy and didn't want to pay for gas or a generator. that's what you get.


Well-Known Member
what if someone bought the property and restarted the operation hmmmm nobody would expect that... haha

Some cheese dude bought it. The best place to properly do gourmet cheese is in a cave so I imagine he's got some cheese down there. Too bad it's not some Cheese. :peace: