An open letter...No MEME could say it better

Are you saying that self ownership is a given and there's no need for you to affirm that as your belief ?
Yer a real philosopher Rob and ponder these social issues deeply I can see, why is this particular one of such great importance to you? Question, if yer in the hospital brain dead on a respirator who owns yer ass then? Or if your a child under the legal age of consent, your parent(s) control your body, to an extent, that's why it's unethical for doctors to treat children without parental consent. This question is not static, but dynamic and depends on ones stage of life, mental condition and other factors, simplistic outlooks will not be of much help in the real world and that's where we all live. Morals and ethics are well studied topics and much has been written, but it really comes from the heart and if you have one you'll know that.
Yer a real philosopher Rob and ponder these social issues deeply I can see, why is this particular one of such great importance to you? Question, if yer in the hospital brain dead on a respirator who owns yer ass then? Or if your a child under the legal age of consent, your parent(s) control your body, to an extent, that's why it's unethical for doctors to treat children without parental consent. This question is not static, but dynamic and depends on ones stage of life, mental condition and other factors, simplistic outlooks will not be of much help in the real world and that's where we all live. Morals and ethics are well studied topics and much has been written, but it really comes from the heart and if you have one you'll know that.

That's a reasonable viewpoint. So do YOU own your body?
That's a reasonable viewpoint. So do YOU own your body?
At this moment on my life's journey yes, but there might come a point when I don't control it as I age, or I could croak suddenly and then the issue would be moot. Why the concern on this particular topic? and Why the absolutist views, a more nuanced approach to such a question is more congruent with reality.

Remember what I said about rhetorical nonsense?
That's a reasonable viewpoint. So do YOU own your body?
What is a body? Are you a single entity?
Because your micro-biome is about 10x as much of your volume as your actual bodies cells.

Next time you have a craving, its interesting to think it could just be some virus pumping out some chemicals into your system to feed it what it wants by making you think you crave it.
What is a body? Are you a single entity?
Because your micro-biome is about 10x as much of your volume as your actual bodies cells.

Next time you have a craving, its interesting to think it could just be some virus pumping out some chemicals into your system to feed it what it wants by making you think you crave it.
Rob is full of shit and that is mostly microbes, but I don't think that is the issue with him, though our physical states do influence our cognitive ones...
At this moment on my life's journey yes, but there might come a point when I don't control it as I age, or I could croak suddenly and then the issue would be moot. Why the concern on this particular topic? and Why the absolutist views, a more nuanced approach to such a question is more congruent with reality.

Remember what I said about rhetorical nonsense?

If you own your body presently, do other people, who are conscious. not in a coma, not unable to form or deny consent etc. also own their bodies ?

Since you own your body at this point in time, do I or anyone have a right to claim the fruit of your labor at this time, as if we owned you or a portion of your labor?

If we do have that right, (I don't think we do) how is that consistent with you owning your body?

The concern with this topic is to establish a baseline from which other principles or actions align with. If principles are inconsistent or easily flexible they are not principles, they are rationalizations.
What is a body? Are you a single entity?
Because your micro-biome is about 10x as much of your volume as your actual bodies cells.

Next time you have a craving, its interesting to think it could just be some virus pumping out some chemicals into your system to feed it what it wants by making you think you crave it.

The concern with this topic is to establish a baseline from which other principles or actions align with. If principles are inconsistent or easily flexible they are not principles, they are rationalizations.
Let's just cut to the chase Rob, your trying to make at a larger point here, and something is driving your rationalizations, I'm a bit curious, yer intellectualizing fur a reason. I'm familiar with the Socratic method of debate and inquiry too, he ended up drinking hemlock and I fear you might taste a bitter cup too.

I don't think yer a man of principle Rob and wouldn't know one if ya feel over it, I figure yer trying to spin yer own reality.

Get to the point of your argument and I'll see if I can whittle it down a bit for ya.
Does mindfulness encourage you to converse with paedos who think 12 year olds can consent?
Fee free to post your evidence of such conduct, such things need to be known for honest debate to proceed forward, the personal integrity of the participants is important! I haven't supported or agreed with a single thing he posts, I have not shunned him yet, but I have shit on him, frequently...

I figure you've got good reason and others have spoken out too and I prefer not to "research" others past posts that much, others usually do that, or are familiar with the views of this person. It's kinda like watching the end of a movie first, or reading the last chapter of a book first, spoils the ending. Others are watching too and if someone has information they will post it, Rob will most likely be hung by his own words.

Children are our future and any society that does not put them first and protect them is doomed. I have no respect for people who abuse the weak and vulnerable, children are a special category with in that group. What is going on with young children in cages on the southern boarder is what disturbs and angers me most, treason aside.
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Fee free to post your evidence of such conduct, such things need to be known for honest debate to proceed forward, the personal integrity of the participants is important! I haven't supported or agreed with a single thing he posts, I have not shunned him yet, but I have shit on him, frequently...

I figure you've got good reason and others have spoken out too and I prefer not to "research" others past posts that much, others usually do that, or are familiar with the views of this person. It's kinda like watching the end of a movie first, or reading the last chapter of a book first, spoils the ending. Others are watching too and if someone has information they will post it, Rob will most likely be hung by his own words.

Children are our future and any society that does not put them first and protect them is doomed. I have no respect for people who abuse the weak and vulnerable, children are a special category with in that group. What is going on with young children in cages on the southern boarder is what disturbs and angers me most, treason aside.
@DIY-HP-LED : Is a 35 YO man able to have consensual sex with a 12 YO kid?

@Rob Roy : Is a 35 YO man able to have consensual sex with a 12 YO kid?
@DIY-HP-LED : Is a 35 YO man able to have consensual sex with a 12 YO kid?

@Rob Roy : Is a 35 YO man able to have consensual sex with a 12 YO kid?
Nope, no doubt about it and no rationalizing it either. He's deluded by desire and his whole game is rationalizing it, intellectualizing with anarchist and libertarian rhetorical bullshit. I'm whittling him down to his point petty quick and see through his game.

If he wants to troll here he gets the treatment, read my exchanges with him. It surely does my character no good to dunk old Rob in the river, repeatedly, because I suspect he has a sociopathic disorder, but I make exceptions for some! In the good old days Rob might not have made it back from the river...

It's my own form of social punishment and education for Rob, I do read other posts and suspected as much about him. It was also entertaining and amusing, as well as educational, not just for me but for others too.
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@DIY-HP-LED : Is a 35 YO man able to have consensual sex with a 12 YO kid?

@Rob Roy : Is a 35 YO man able to have consensual sex with a 12 YO kid?

Do you mean actual consent or statutory consent ?

Regarding actual consent, the younger a person is the less likely they will have developed the wherewithal to form consent. I would personally be uncomfortable with people involved in the kind of relationship you describe in your example. That's just my personal and cultural bias.

Statutory consent is another thing. While I don't pay much attention to those kinds of laws, all it would take for "statutory consent" is a government to approve of such behavior at a certain age and whether the persons involved gave actual consent or were even capable of doing so, doesn't matter.

Now a question for you fogdog, is consent something that is important in human relationships?

I think it is, but I don't believe you do in many circumstances. Which is very ironic given your attempt to fuck with are guilty of championing nonconsensual human relationships while trying to assign me the pedo moniker.
Let's just cut to the chase Rob, your trying to make at a larger point here, and something is driving your rationalizations, I'm a bit curious, yer intellectualizing fur a reason. I'm familiar with the Socratic method of debate and inquiry too, he ended up drinking hemlock and I fear you might taste a bitter cup too.

I don't think yer a man of principle Rob and wouldn't know one if ya feel over it, I figure yer trying to spin yer own reality.

Get to the point of your argument and I'll see if I can whittle it down a bit for ya.

Oh okay.

Can a person delegate a right they do not possess ?
What is a body? Are you a single entity?
Because your micro-biome is about 10x as much of your volume as your actual bodies cells.

Next time you have a craving, its interesting to think it could just be some virus pumping out some chemicals into your system to feed it what it wants by making you think you crave it.

Interesting topic, but for the purposes of this session, let's define "a body" as a distinctly separate thing, ie, an individual human being. You, me, or other individual persons.
Interesting topic, but for the purposes of this session, let's define "a body" as a distinctly separate thing, ie, an individual human being. You, me, or other individual persons.
Fair enough.
That's a reasonable viewpoint. So do YOU own your body?
I am not sure a human concept like 'ownership' really means much outside of the limitations set by other human concepts, which we have to try to agree on what the words mean. It is kind of like 'time', a construct that really is meaningless and is basically a way for us to try to understand chronological order in a way that means we can meet up with each other without waiting for people to show up randomly.
Fair enough.

I am not sure a human concept like 'ownership' really means much outside of the limitations set by other human concepts, which we have to try to agree on what the words mean. It is kind of like 'time', a construct that really is meaningless and is basically a way for us to try to understand chronological order in a way that means we can meet up with each other without waiting for people to show up randomly.

I was tempted to go all quantum string theory in response to your post, but truthfully I probably am not qualified to sustain that conversation.

So should I determine how you use your body or should you ?
I was tempted to go all quantum string theory in response to your post, but truthfully I probably am not qualified to sustain that conversation.

So should I determine how you use your body or should you ?
You can try, but I'm guessing it will just do what it wants to do regardless.

And yeah it was getting a little deep on my end too.
Okay. let's establish where we agree / disagree.

You own your body and should be able to determine how to use it. You don't own other people or their property though. Agreed? Disagree?

Where do you draw the line between what might be intellectual property theft and what might not be?