Anatomy Of A K-Hole

I just got the MXE yesterday (which most of my friends LOVED, I tried it again, and it didn't agree with me as much, was still nowhere as good as real K when it was at it's best, NO WHERE NEAR AS GOOD)
I also just got the gram of supposedly BOMB ASS ket. He said it was the top 3 batches he's had in the 12 years he has been slaning (I hope that wasn't an exaggeration, but for some reason, I trust his word a lot!) He said it was extra sedating, and it lets you keep hold of that hyperspace better than most other K batches he's gotten.

I WILL be testing this K with my friend later (in an hour or so). My friend did 25mg of MXE earlier today (the one who will be experimenting with the BOMB Ket I just got, which looks sooo nice, I am praying it's as good as I think it is..), but he didn't get too much effect, so he obviously has a higher than average dissociative tolerance as he has used DXM a lot in his past.. I am hoping we have a great time.. ( I am almost certain we will have an amazing time)
Wow ... that is unbelievable that YOU got so much out of 2 two 30mg lines.
Good for You brother. This looked like nice and 'safe' study.
Thank YOU for 'painting' us this picture.

Where do you get this ket from ?


This little rabbit came and dropped it in my cubby next to my crayons one day when I wasn't looking :)

And yeah, definitely felt that 60mg. Like hard. Then again I have no tolerance!
Everything felt very numb, which I didn't like so much... but the twisted perception was something to behold. I love that kind of stuff.
I just did a 11mg allergy dose snort of the K today, then 30, then 60, then 70, then 110. My friend did 20mg, then a 40mg snort. (earlier) I just did another 100mg K line and 100mg IM k injection..
first time i did K i did a line about the size of my pinky..i will NEVER do K again haha.

i thought i was flying around dead.

Ya .. You did not prepare for an OUT of Body Experience .... and total Time vortex !
Such experience might be very scary if YOU are not into Astral Projecting. =)
Should have done some research on safety and proper dosing.

Ya .. You did not prepare for an OUT of Body Experience .... and total Time vortex !
Such experience might be very scary if YOU are not into flying out of your body. =)
Should have done some research on safety in dosing.


id have to say that ALL drugs you must research before taking it on....

but i feel this goes most important with K.

I have angels watching over me.

I got me some Kathryn back in possession.

this time BBQ shall not be FOOLISH and keep powders in his wallet.

reports will be up soon...

Did YOU find that wallet Q ?
Where was IT ?


Ya .. You did not prepare for an OUT of Body Experience .... and total Time vortex !
Such experience might be very scary if YOU are not into Astral Projecting. =)
Should have done some research on safety and proper dosing.


Ahhhh how much i love astral projecting... Starting to get to the point where i do it in my sleep on a very regular basis... Score!!!

The other night i had a dream that my roomate walked in and handed me a hit of NP and was like eat this.. I ate it and started tripping out sac... I have always been one to say that frying almost feels like im half way asleep. I was so confused that i couldnt tell if i was actually frying or if i was just dreaming about frying. It felt so real that the next morning i asked my roomate if she really did give it to me... Of coarse she didnt, but it was so real. An awesome free trip haha.

BTW verde awesome report bro... Like you, i seem to have a very low tolerance to it.. Makes me happy though :D
You haven't experienced K till you do a 200mg line

yeah i know :lol:

i say you haven't experienced mushrooms until you can see your life as one independent moment, out of body. That's still the last time I've done mushrooms :lol: ....taking your comment into consideration... I think I will play in the sand on the beach before I walk out into the ocean ;)
Yeah im honestly good on the 200mg lines for the moment.. Maybe one day. At this point just a couple decent bumps have me flying and floating all over everywhere...
try 60mg... to me the come on is almost like slamming 10 shots in 10 seconds.

Then it cools down to some very trippy shit. Very enjoyable overall though, if you enjoyed the 2 hour HARD peak of 2NP's
Oh trust me i do haha.

Ive actually done between 80-100 mg bumps of K as well. To be honest i think 80mg is my sweet spot at the moment. Epic! Yes i completely agree with the 10 shots in 10 seconds on the up come.. It's not to long till you completely melt though.. at that point it is nothing like booze haha.

I do enjoy myself some NP. 2 is a fun peak, 3 is an overwhelming peak haha. I swear i peaked hard for close to 10 hours when i ate those 3 at once.. Gnarly!