Ancillary Lighting Required?


Active Member
I've Just the 1x 150w HPS light for 4 plants, all now transfered to 3 gal. pots to solve the root lock problem i had. Being all of them are getting a bit big and bushy, im wondering if perhaps I've too little light in their grow area.
Given until they reached this girth everything was plugging along smoothly, i cant help butt wonder if an exacerbating factor in the unhealthy look to the new growth (spindley and and wavey as it is) could perhaps be the lighting.
4 girls this big in a surround 2x2x3, do i need some ancillary cfls? The highest light spectrum presence i can find is 5000k daylight in stores around here, but procuring one wont be an issue. Discerning if there is a legitimate need for it, how ever, presently is.


Active Member
Oh, i neglected to upload the photos heh... Kinda of like how you neglected to offer any sort of helpful advice on the matter.
Thank you for the well disguised Bump mate, maybe youre better off in the General Sub Forum to get your post count up eh? This sections for people looking for and providing legitimate productive help.


Active Member
2 days since transplanting them into larger pots and and adjusting off of 24 hr light and the held back new growth is already getting bigger and more vibrant.
Picking up some Damp-Rid today to keep my RH from spiking above 60% as it tends to at night.