And now it begins - Obamacare a very slow payer.

You proved yourself wrong and call me the blithering fucktard?

You are rolling in the mud Red. We had a thread awhile back where he swore for pages there were no cuts. Mounds of evidence to the contrary were given to prove otherwise and he finally went away. He's back now saying that the cuts are only to waste and fraud (can't believe nobody thought to cut this before). Atleast now he admits there were cuts, that's progress, but I think you are trying to debate a wall.
You are rolling in the mud Red. We had a thread awhile back where he swore for pages there were no cuts. Mounds of evidence to the contrary were given to prove otherwise and he finally went away. He's back now saying that the cuts are only to waste and fraud (can't believe nobody thought to cut this before). Atleast now he admits there were cuts, that's progress, but I think you are trying to debate a wall.
Show me the cuts in benefits or services to medicare recipients you racist asshole
Show me the cuts in benefits or services to medicare recipients you racist asshole

Tell ya what. It's painfully clear to me you have no understanding of reimbursements in the past and how the doctor fix worked that was always outside of the medicare budget. If you are claiming that there are no cuts, prove that the reimbursements to the doctors are the same now as they were pre-O'care for a visit to the office.

All you have to do to prove that you and only you are correct. Show us a comparison of fee schedules to prove it.
Tell ya what. It's painfully clear to me you have no understanding of reimbursements in the past and how the doctor fix worked that was always outside of the medicare budget. If you are claiming that there are no cuts, prove that the reimbursements to the doctors are the same now as they were pre-O'care for a visit to the office.

All you have to do to prove that you and only you are correct. Show us a comparison of fee schedules to prove it.

Show me the cuts to Benefits or Services to medicare benficiarys or fuck off
no, you must meet ginwilly's new standard, because we all know that cuts to reimbursements to doctors are the same thing as cuts to benefits and services.

There's that first level thinking again....

Just because doctors are going to be reimbursed less doesn't mean they'll drop medicare patients or tailor treatments to them as they have been tailoring medicaid treatment. Never happen, nut uh.

Oh, and they'll have no incentive to increase fraudulent charges to make up the difference because the fraud part was cut out of the budget. Documenting in such a way to maximize reimbursement is impossible anyway, ask any machinist or house bitch cause they noes all about how medicare works. Those of us who deal with it on a daily basis are just not qualified like treadmill salesmen are.
no, you must meet ginwilly's new standard, because we all know that cuts to reimbursements to doctors are the same thing as cuts to benefits and services.
These are the same fucks whining about the goverment taking over student loans.
And with the same arguments as well

The biggest cuts by percentage are to medicare advantage plans.
Which were spending 14 cents of every dollar on patients with the rest going to profits and other

Now after the cuts not only has Medicare advantage gotten better

It has grown in size as well. And still saving billions with the "cuts"
Oh, and they'll have no incentive to increase fraudulent charges to make up the difference because the fraud part was cut out of the budget. Documenting in such a way to maximize reimbursement is impossible anyway...

thank goodness for the private market and all the fraud that comes with it!

do you suppose VA patients getting taken care of by government doctors rather than private doctors have these kinds of issues with massive fraud?

good job on making the case for an actual government takeover of healthcare, rather than the imaginary one you idiots kept huffing and puffing about when democrats passed your heritage foundation idea into law.
thank goodness for the private market and all the fraud that comes with it!

do you suppose VA patients getting taken care of by government doctors rather than private doctors have these kinds of issues with massive fraud?

good job on making the case for an actual government takeover of healthcare, rather than the imaginary one you idiots kept huffing and puffing about when democrats passed your heritage foundation idea into law.

If Obama Advocated for oxygen
The right wingers would suffocate
thank goodness for the private market and all the fraud that comes with it!

do you suppose VA patients getting taken care of by government doctors rather than private doctors have these kinds of issues with massive fraud?

good job on making the case for an actual government takeover of healthcare, rather than the imaginary one you idiots kept huffing and puffing about when democrats passed your heritage foundation idea into law.

Over half the docs work for the hospital cartels who are in bed with the gov who are in bed with the insurance companies who are in bed with big pharma.

LOL at the VA not being fraudulent. Oh look a Unicorn!!

I'm all for the government single payer system involving VAs because the veterans are treated so well, surely the rest of us will be too.

You hold up the VA system as a reason for government takeover... Yeah, you really know things bucky.
If Obama Advocated for oxygen
The right wingers would suffocate

Healthcare was my chosen profession. My political affiliations have nothing to do with how bad O'care is or what a cluster-fuck our present system was, is and will be. I can't find any health care worker who wasn't calling for needed fixes. Shame your side can't read or you might have actually known what you passed.

But then, i've seen you express what you THINK it does, I would like it too.
rather than the imaginary one you idiots kept huffing and puffing about when democrats passed your heritage foundation idea into law.

Most people aren't like you. We recognize bad ideas no matter which side it comes from. That way we don't have to wait and see the letter representing the bill to know if it's wrong or not.

For most sane people, it's a bad idea when it's a bad idea, not just when the political party we don't like submits it (then think it's a good idea when your own party decides it's a good idea now that they are in charge).

Must suck to be devoid of independent thought.
Alright, let me try a different approach to see if you'll understand.

Did the threat of gun control cause ammo costs to go up or down? Will the threat of decreased reimbursement cause fraud to go up or down?

Serious question. Do you honestly believe budget cuts stop government waste? (please for the sake of discussion, answer this question)

People hoarding ammo for no reason at all caused the price of ammo to go up and limit supplys

Hysteria about Obamacare is doing nothing but scare people needlessly

the "700 Billion in Cuts" to medicare was the same proposal floated by Paul Ryan and Backed by Romney
and so far the result is a Better Medicare advantage program and a crackdown on rampant fraud, abuse and waste in the system

Bet you dont know that Medicare Advantage hasnt gone away. It has grown by 30% in the last two years.

The only downside is seniors are paying more

How much more? The average increase so far is

$1.64 per year
Alright, let me try a different approach to see if you'll understand.

Did the threat of gun control cause ammo costs to go up or down? Will the threat of decreased reimbursement cause fraud to go up or down?

Serious question. Do you honestly believe budget cuts stop government waste? (please for the sake of discussion, answer this question)

hear that, chesus?

we can't fight fraud because it will cause more fraud.

to cut down on fraud, we must encourage fraud. and then to fix global warming, we will light a series of forest fires that will cause global cooling.

thank god for republicans and their vast intelligence.
hear that, chesus?

we can't fight fraud because it will cause more fraud.

to cut down on fraud, we must encourage fraud. and then to fix global warming, we will light a series of forest fires that will cause global cooling.

thank god for republicans and their vast intelligence.

I have an idea, let's cut welfare, just the fraud part, defense too. Our education system is wrought with waste and fraud, some kids even cheat on tests, let's cut some of that budget. SSI/disability? plenty of abuse a simple budget cut would fix. You realize we could have a budget surplus tomorrow if we just cut our waste fraud and abuse across the board. So glad you thought of this solution.

1st level bucktard.
Hell, we'll stop all fraud and waste
I have an idea, let's cut welfare, just the fraud part, defense too. Our education system is wrought with waste and fraud, some kids even cheat on tests, let's cut some of that budget. SSI/disability? plenty of abuse a simple budget cut would fix. You realize we could have a budget surplus tomorrow if we just cut our waste fraud and abuse across the board. So glad you thought of this solution.

1st level bucktard.
Hell, we'll stop all fraud and waste

Well the administration is investigating fraud and prosecuting at record levels

Do you have a problem with that?
Apparently you do. Becuase a lot of the "cuts" are based on ending fraud