Well-Known Member
ACA was funded with money taken from Medicareand what the fuck does medicare have to do with the ACA LAW?
ACA was funded with money taken from Medicareand what the fuck does medicare have to do with the ACA LAW?
ACA was funded with money taken from Medicare
Did seniors lose any benefits or services?
Yes or NO?
I couldn't say for sure. Either present benefits will be cut, or, more likely, the date when Medicare runs out of funds and benefits end completely will be moved up a few months. But please tell us how looting Medicare will improve healthcare for seniors.
That means no. You all want to throw shit on a wall and see what sticks. Unfortunately for you, facts are not on your side. So sorry.
ACA was funded with money taken from Medicare
Like they have in the past when they cut medicare there is a separate bill they call the doctor fix that makes up reimbursement. Cut in one place, increase in another, sprinkle magic fairy dust and everyone is happy.
Besides, actually paying for shit is no longer important. So medicare runs a deficit like the post office, what difference does it make?
keep worshiping at the altar of benghazi, as if anyone actually cares about that.
furthermore, i encourage you to keep talking about rape and birth control.
rape, birth control, and benghazi should be your main talking points in 2014 and beyond. see how that works out for ya, and don't say i didn't encourage you guys to be the biggest losers you could be.
Generation Opportunity intends to host events at college tailgate parties festivals [sic], where “brand ambassadors” (read: hot young people) will pass out beer koozies that read “opt out,” pizza and literature about the health care law. Some events may have impromptu dance parties with DJ’s, complete with games of cornhole and competitions for prizes, organizers said
She's a vile disgusting person, to a great deal many people that still matters.
I fully expect some obscure pub to step on his dick and the media to treat it like it's part of the platform. I also expect people like you to focus on that tard and drown out any policy discussion with catch phrases that mean nothing.
As far as Benghazi goes, that'll be primary fodder, it will be played out by the national if she overcomes it. Unless all the dems are scared of the Clinton machine, they'll hammer what she said to the killed soldier's dad in the hangar. She won't make it through the primaries if the media actually reports it. She's a vile disgusting person, to a great deal many people that still matters.
I thought that was bullshit...then I checked the source.
Cornhole? I don't want to google it, someone here must know what that it a game from the South?
You Americans REALLY need to stick together and stop attacking each other, I doubt MOST of you that are members here know even half of whats really going on around you. A couple of months ago I bought some gear from 2 different hydro shops in the US, and struck up a bit of a friendship with both owners, neither of them had a clue about whats actually happening quite literally all around them every single day.
E x a c t l y
What's sad is you counter with feelings and maybes, no facts, nothing of substance, and you actually think you are convincing someone of something that doesn't already "think" like you. In short, you are preaching to the choir, a very small choir, a very small, bigoting, choir.
ACA was funded with money taken from Medicare