And they say Canadians are nice....


Well-Known Member
ill cop a ticket to that LOL but can we just eliminate the cowboy all together? i dress like a thug..but i put a cowboy hat on if i gots to.

Alberta is a nice place..but it is like our women and good steaks!
No it's better than Texas with hotter woman and bigger stakes and smoke your head off whocares, but the truth be told we don't have a stonedpony so not as good.... it's a good thing you got him let me tell you EH! Keep on riding and smoking and raising hell FTW, let god sort them out.


Well-Known Member
Im innocent..................oh sorry thought I woke up in court again.................never mind.........continue.......................PARTY!!!!!!!!!

Hell YEA COME to TEXAS and party with the PONY

Yes all the beer was mine except for the one regular bud............what the hell it was given to me..........the plastic bag is full of jello shots made out of vodka..............not counting the 1/2 oz I had with me too........PARTY TEXAS STYLE THE OLD MAN CAN STILL KICK IT



bud bootlegger
hey stoned, what is that one tatt above and under your right eye?? its kind of hard to make it out in the couple of pix i've seen of you..


Well-Known Member
Prison tear drops.........but put the tribal tatt around em to kinda sofften it and not scare ppl LOL.........think I failed LOL