Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

lol y'all crack me up.

What about scratching the foil off of gum wrappers and sealing it up with honey or pancake syrup?
LOL Never tried that one before. LOL

My low point was a paper grocery bag. :D

When I was in HS, I would see guys in class sit there all class long scratching the foil off of paper. I tried it when I finally started smoking and didn't have anything to use. Works fine actually. Its just a lot of work. Much smoother than grocery paper bag lol My lowest point was the pink piece of carbon copy paper.
I can't do the coke can anymore. Makes me feel like a crackhead (that's where I got the idea!) lol but I love the one hitters out of foil pipes.
i smoked from a "earth pipe" it's has to be the most awful way to smoke...
Hey! Who took the damn light bulb from the fridge again dammit! And why is the kitchen sink spraying sideways!
damn....lmao......High school was REALLY fun......making a new bong out of gatorade bottles.....sunny d bottles.......even did a patron bottle once on some MacGyver shit
We had to ask for "water pipe" in the headshops back then! Apparently "bong" would get u kicked out. Lol.

Oh yeah, what about making gravity bongs with the milk carton or 2 liter and the sink. Shit! Shasta soda came out with the was on!

Dough! sorry "Angry" to bad.