Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

September update.

You will never see Alice the same. ;)


Thought I would get up this morning and take a couple pics for you all. Enjoy!

NICE buds bro damn already golf ball sized nuggs, looking like you going to have alot of trimming to do very nice, the 6th pic looking superr frosted my buds barely big as tip of my finger ahh
koo avi too haa snoop lion LOL
When do u plan on putting the plastic on the roof of your greenhouse ?

I'm planning making something that I can pull out and cover mine with when needed...better to do it before its needed than me looking like chicken with its head cut off in the rain trying to cover my plants lol

this is probably a noob ass question and im not tryin to thread hijack....but you wouldnt need to cover up if you go out after a rain and shake the water off right?
When do u plan on putting the plastic on the roof of your greenhouse ?

I'm planning making something that I can pull out and cover mine with when needed...better to do it before its needed than me looking like chicken with its head cut off in the rain trying to cover my plants lol

I am being lazy/hopeful. I have it ready and I can have it up in 30 mins if I need to rush but I really only have about 4-5 weeks left that I can grow and pay attention to them. 1 day of rain I won't trip on but if we get a few coupled with lower temps and little wind and I will have it up. Hoping for the first though. ;)

Niceness bud, lookin' good! Almost at Tiger Woods status!

Manybe Tiger Wood's 98 or something. I have had those golf balls for 3 years and have yet to hit one. I kinda like em too much so I think I will hold on to them. LOL

Looks great:!:
Sure beats the hell out of stuck growing twigs in a box.

Thanks! They are just twigs in bags. :) LOL

NICE buds bro damn already golf ball sized nuggs, looking like you going to have alot of trimming to do very nice, the 6th pic looking superr frosted my buds barely big as tip of my finger ahh
koo avi too haa snoop lion LOL

I am hoping that trimming will be minimized since I took most of the lowers and arthritis causing bullshit off. ;) A few of them are really starting to push resin. Loving going back there and seeing the weed bling!

this is probably a noob ass question and im not tryin to thread hijack....but you wouldnt need to cover up if you go out after a rain and shake the water off right?

Angryblackman, you are the man. Big balls, my man. Big balls. Rock on and peace.

LOL Thanks man! :D

What's this? Tinctures you say? You and I, my pissed off friend, will have to talk ;)

Yes we will. :)
fuck ABM you and me both on the greenhouse covers! iv been putting it off for awhile now. everything's looking real good! we're in the home stretch!
Rest of the shots from this morning.

OG Truth
2012-09-06 06.24.36.jpg2012-09-06 06.26.00.jpg2012-09-06 06.25.33.jpg

2012-09-06 06.25.49.jpg

Dark garden shot OG Truth on the left Harlequin in the middle and Alohaberry on the right
2012-09-06 06.25.05.jpg