ANIMAL control


Active Member
I have babies outside bout 13 ft tall.On a couple of them i noticed Tops missing.Which I know ARe those pesky deer.This happend to me last year and i just uninated around the patch's.This year that seems not to be working and advice?Should i jus let them mucnh at my lower branchs


Active Member
13 feet tall? and the deer ate the tops? am i missing something because those sound like a bigass deer


LOL UKJW, I was thinking the same thing. I was thinkin more like caterpillars then he said deer. Id shoot the deer and stock my freezer especially if he big enough to reach the top of a 13ft plant. If your problem is with deer and your on your property and dont want to kill Bambi put up a little fence and if that dont work use an electric fence.


Active Member
well you did say you had missing tops :P

Human hair works well, put some in a pany hose legging and hang it on or around your weed. Also, I've never used it, but alot of users here recommend "liquid fence" product.


Active Member
If you have running water (a hose pipe) nearby, there are motion activated sprinklers you can find in the garden department of most major home improvement stores. If not, there are these small disks (at the same stores) that triggers the flight response in deer.


Well-Known Member
i just had a thread on this not that long ago. i had a problem with animals. heres what i learned and did and i havent had a problem since i did it. but an animal wont come around if he smells human scent. so you can pee around it even though i dont think that lasts long. you can use an old deodorant stick and break it up around the plant and human hair. like go outside and shave your head and put the hair around the plants. so thats what i did. you can also use the dirt out of your vaccuum bag but i havent tried that. but since i used the hair and the deodorant i havent had a single problem with those animals. the time before that the plant was gone in less than 12 hours from the critters. good luck


Well-Known Member
A deer topping a 13ft plant, wow. I think if you are capable of growing 13 footers its time to build a proper fence. If u insist on doing it the amatuer way try a few large rubber rattle snakes, it scares the crap out of deer, so an old grower told me.:-o