Animal Saviours Petition - Please sign


Well-Known Member
Ok I just came across this link on another forum. Its a petition to put an end to the horrific treatment of animals in China. If you've never seen examples of it, you should watch the video on that page... but its pretty morbid. So be warned... and don't have any small children near your computer when you watch it.

Welcome to Animal Saviors



Well-Known Member
animals dont bother me too much... this does
both worthy causes.

I have a soft spot for animals because they have a pure heart. They don't have the capacity as humans to be vindictive and evil. They are inherently good and the way humans treat them makes me ashamed to be human.


i say feed those soulless animals to the hungry children... at least then somebody would be caring about them.... we have the responsibility to take care of humankind; only when there are no more people that have to live(or die rather) like this are we then justified in moving on to helping animals...


Well-Known Member
Not everyone feels that way.

Some of us feel animals are just as important, and just as in need of our help, as humans.


Well-Known Member
i say feed those soulless animals to the hungry children... at least then somebody would be caring about them.... we have the responsibility to take care of humankind; only when there are no more people that have to live(or die rather) like this are we then justified in moving on to helping animals...
damn...thats cold haha


Not everyone feels that way.

Some of us feel animals are just as important, and just as in need of our help, as humans.

i dont know what to say:shock:.... i would rather see an entire animal species wiped out than watch one child die needlessly:-?