Animals digging in my frickin holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
i can't stand it, everytime I went out to my plant, dirt would be around it from where an animal is digging at the dirt for my dry fertilizers (fox Farm Marine Cuisine made out of shrimp and dead ocean stuff). It was a pretty sturdy plant when I put it out so it's withstood it. But now, after putting 5 new small plants around it, I go out and find an entire plant and root ball out of the hole. I put it back in and it and it should be fine, roots were just cooked and dried a little.

What should I do? The ferts are in there for good, mixed up in the dirt real good so I have to deter the animals somehow. I have chicken wire but idk if it's enough and if it's a coon or something it'll just climb over the cage I feel.

Coyote/other carnivore piss?
2" of sand on top of the dirt?

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
had the same problem 2 years ago.....SOLVED it by mixing Skin-so-soft lotion (avon product) with water mixed in on a 6-1 ratio....or you can you a girl smelly OIL bath lotion and mix the same ratio.....then spray it all around the plants and a little on the soil...and just a mist on the wont hurt it....take care


Well-Known Member
Put out some moth balls and irish springs soap. shave the bar down and scatter the slices around. Works for me. Ive heard cyan pepper is a good deterant aswell. Good luck. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
My personal rule is organics inside, chemical outside "ferts". Its the smell man!

Theres also a dam good chance it gets ripped up again. If it does plant it somewhere else.


Active Member
I put Irish SPring soap chunks all around it. Not doing much. I'll defently try mixing some lotion in water, sounds reasonable but I'm afraid ill get the same results as the soap.

Putting out some fence and maybe hair this week.

ANy more things?


Well-Known Member
put mulch over dirt for soil shield and eat alote of esperegus and drink alote of beer and piss all over the place!