

Well-Known Member
Yep, thats the one. I kind of drifted away from it and never finished it sadly, just like hoshin engi and gin tama and some other mangas. i wonder if the shaman king manga ever came back and actually finished it. It pissed me off pretty bad after following it seemingly forever and then they out of the blue decide to stop making it and not finish the story at all.
lol i hate when that kind stuff happens, i loved yu yu hakusho before they stopped playing it on tv. i used to watch the shaman king also but it seems i was always busy sundays. never heard of gin tama or hoshin engi


Well-Known Member
hoshin engi is amazing but they really fucked it up when they made the tv show. It's really deep yet very comical and lighthearted at the same time. Gin tama is ok, but it got pretty boring after the first 5-6 graphic novels. I cant watch one piece or shaman king 4kids dubbed episodes. they absolutley ruined them imo and make them so childish and deviate from the story and take out anything that anyone could ever ever ever possibley be "offended". subbed ones are alright though.


Well-Known Member
its kind of intersting how different the cultures are, over there they are so much more lenient on what can go into a kids show and whats crossing the line. I can remember being so shocked the first time i ever saw younger toguro *kill* kuwabara unedited, i was expecting it to be a little bit different but nowhere near that level.
lol nevermind...
I guess I really am blonde at heart.
I was totally thinking you meant something else.
Plus I was baked out of my mind last night hahaha.

I knew who kuwabara was but i dont think i know who toguro is
ME TOO!!! Have you checked out Highschool of the Dead? It's full of anime girls with big boobies :D
Just checked out high school of the dead. it seems pretty awesome. I have only watched a few amv's so far but i think im going to see if i can order it from netflix... because i bet they dont have instant for this series. god netflix sux sometimes. they never have really good shows until you finally break down and order them then they decide they will put the whole thing up.... like family and american dad. i was waiting to see if they would go on instant forever... sadly i ended up getting some through the mail. that same night i looked on the website and i saw that they had most of the series for both of them on there. hahaha well i guess at least now i can rent something else now


Well-Known Member
im into old skool anime like robotech, fist of the north star (the very first anime show i watched), dororo an lupin the III. the only new anime i just got into was afro samurai.


Well-Known Member
Just got done w/the new bleach chapter. It was better than i thought it would be, but i'll bet you all now that aizen and ichigo are squared off and just about to fight that they will go back to hueco mundo and whats going on their, or maybe some other scene. I was thinking about bleach the other day and it just kind of hit me= i realized that like almost every other power up ichigos gotten aizen specifically destroyed the thing in the senkimon SO ichigo could go through another step up in his "evolution" like all the previous ones he planned. From what aizen said this week that appears to be the case. Anyone else read the new bleach or naruto yet?what did you think of it? i'm bout to go read naruto


Well-Known Member
Just got done w/the new bleach chapter. It was better than i thought it would be, but i'll bet you all now that aizen and ichigo are squared off and just about to fight that they will go back to hueco mundo and whats going on their, or maybe some other scene. I was thinking about bleach the other day and it just kind of hit me= i realized that like almost every other power up ichigos gotten aizen specifically destroyed the thing in the senkimon SO ichigo could go through another step up in his "evolution" like all the previous ones he planned. From what aizen said this week that appears to be the case. Anyone else read the new bleach or naruto yet?what did you think of it? i'm bout to go read naruto
I look forward to seeing bleach animated, because I got lost somewhere, I didn't think he was done yet...but I think its cool as shit that no one can feel his power, yet aizen didn't in the least bit see him coming...

In Naruto it was basically confirmed to me that like Lee, Guy never uses chakra, instead his abilities are even more absurd...but it was good, guy kicked his ass again, and it also explained why Shark Boy laughed when Madara revealed himself to him after Itachi's death. The new naruto anime was basically Naruto getting acknowledged...through the whole episode, it shows clips of naruto's achievements, but this time you get and idea of what the villages reactions have been and how they changed as he progressed. Of course that bitch sakura had to be in the middle of it like she was the one waiting for him...bitch, she KNEW Hinata was the one that should have been there...can't stand that trick...thats okay though, in the manga he already shot her down....


Well-Known Member
I look forward to seeing bleach animated, because I got lost somewhere, I didn't think he was done yet...but I think its cool as shit that no one can feel his power, yet aizen didn't in the least bit see him coming...

In Naruto it was basically confirmed to me that like Lee, Guy never uses chakra, instead his abilities are even more absurd...but it was good, guy kicked his ass again, and it also explained why Shark Boy laughed when Madara revealed himself to him after Itachi's death. The new naruto anime was basically Naruto getting acknowledged...through the whole episode, it shows clips of naruto's achievements, but this time you get and idea of what the villages reactions have been and how they changed as he progressed. Of course that bitch sakura had to be in the middle of it like she was the one waiting for him...bitch, she KNEW Hinata was the one that should have been there...can't stand that trick...thats okay though, in the manga he already shot her down....
lol, yeah, they never showed ichigo finish his training, it will probally be revealed through flashbacks im guessing, you notice the hand sticking out of ichigo's chest? i didnt notice it at first but then when re-reading it i saw it, looks interesting, ive been speculating in my mind for a while as to what it is and what it means, maybe zangetsu giving ichigo his physical strength as well as his spiritual strength? Maybe his full hollow forms hand lending his strength?

I was kind of confused with the ending of naruto chapter, i read in the spoilers kisame commit hara kiri(suicide) but i never saw him do anything that would of killed him to himself, he just coughed/puked up a bunch of blood and exploded from that woooden thing yamota put him in.


Well-Known Member
Cool, so I didn't miss anything...then, yea, it will be a flash back thing, which seems stupid, because why do you need a flashback of what JUST happened,, you could of just showed it while it happened, but I guess that plays into the fact that in most bleach fights, and anime fights in general, you have to have a conversation between the two enemies while fighting. I totally missed the hand thing, I'm going to have to reread it now...

So he just blows himself up,'s sure have gone a long way since the days of suicide pills...†LOL† I'm looking fowrad to the next one though...I actually want to see guy go back in front of the fountain of truth, because I still think it was him at first talking shit to him about his age and acting young in front of lee...They are both winding down they're stories though, and it will suck when they're done...But at this point it looks like the final fight between Aizen and ichigo is starting, and with naruto all the holes have been getting filled up fast... (who's the parents, what was in the scroll, him taking full power of the kyuubi, etc etc)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, unless bleach goes and pulls an inuyasha get away again and again like naraku did many times while nearly dying I dont see more than 50-100 chapters left of bleach. I am going to be so fucking mad though if they dont do something with the vasto lordes in the story after they went and talked about em in the story and got Almost any bleach fans excited and speculating about them. Naruto also still has alot of holes left still so i could see 100-150 left. i really hope they dont just dump it all in our lap at once. that would suck. but im going to remain optimistic.


Well-Known Member
Also of no, whats up with the rukia/ichigo orihime/ichigo nell/ichigo.Are they ever going to give closure to that I wonder? or are they going to pull a tenchi and just hint at it....Yea, by 2012 were going to have nothing new in bleach or naruto most likely, I wonder what they'll come out with next? :)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go back to one piece i think and catch back up after they are done. It's one of the best and one of the hardest to always get into manga, I love alot of the arcs, but some parts i cant even force myself to read through them so i can continue the story because i just cant get into em. Like when they were doing that stupid game over crew members or that ball guy thats big and fat and super retarded in the forest in skypia or whatever its called. after that i probally wont read any new manga, i hope im wrong, but i dont really see myself doing so unless i start buying shonen jump every month again, which i also dont see happening cuz the last 4-5 times i have they didnt really have any new good ones that i got into. I've got so many of them, lol, along with a fuck ton(well, to me at least, 125+ is probally a pretty small collection to some of the hardcore fans)of the graphic novels themselves from all kinds of different ones ive gotten into. Used to buy like 5-10 of them every paycheck when i was making lots of disposable $. Now that money goes towards collecting as much grow equipment and related stuff as possible, thats my new addiction. lol


Well-Known Member
I think bleach is going to leave us hanging on the whole ichigo's love life aspect of the plot. I would think if they do touch on it it will be orihime, nel is a hollow/arrancar and stuck in childs form and has really shown no romantic intrest in him so to speak and vice versa. rukia is too much like an older sister or something like that and they defintley havent shown any romantic stuff between them just that they really care about each other alot. orihime i think has shown the closest to romantic intrest in ichigo but i dunno it just doesnt feel like thats how its going to go down to me. of course now that ive thought about it while typing this i just got a moment where it dawned on me how it could and what the scenario will likely be if it happens....
It will be something like ichigo and aizen are fighting, ichigos at first holding his own but then starts to get overcome by aizens power and/or maybe somehow his inner hollow will resurface and take control for a bit and it will be orihimes voice and words that will wake him up and help overcome his inner hollow once and for all. maybe aizen will make his hollow somehow re-take control is possible too, or maybe he will be almost dead and she'll lean over him and confess her love then or something and that gives him the final push to kill aizen once and for all.


Well-Known Member
†LOL† I hope not, that chick gets on my nerves to no end...I don't think he see's rukia as a sister me it did seem like ichigo and rukia had interest in each other, but neither new how to come out with it. Ichigo doesn't really know how to handle women in that far as manga goes, I'll probably read all the battle angel manga, and the ghost in the shell manga...that'll probably be about it...