I never heard it called that ^^ that beforeI know I was going to research but spring is happening and I want to rub the velvet off my antlers.

I never heard it called that ^^ that beforeI know I was going to research but spring is happening and I want to rub the velvet off my antlers.
I never heard it called that ^^ that beforecarry on
View attachment 5391999
I'm looking at getting two of these to cover my 4 zones. Any thoughts? I hope I'm not missing something. I'm planning on ordering one, installing and then deciding if I need to change anything.
I ordered the 27K Mr. Cool. Now, I wait LOLI suggest using multi a/c vs multi zones for mini splits . If one fails u def have options till it’s repaired. For my 20x40 room I have two 24k BTu minisplits and have them on sep sides of room. at start of grow I only need one but the deh (2 quest make almost 50% heat btu)
I had zero issues with precharged lines, the Mr cool’s have been in my room for almost 4 years and zero issues. I would suggest to also capture all deh and a/c water and since these a/c are intended for summer season I had a issue till I corrected it cause My water deh from the a/c woild freeze outdoors. that water like form deh is very valuable and def worth the extra effort. I was surprised I didn’t see anyone mention the obviousness if u install a mini split or similiar a/c to use the drain and recover that and aalso the issue with it going outdoors it will freeze .
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GG #4 flipped 5/6. I'm wondering if tomato cages might save me from trellising.
I used to make little cages for my plants so that I could move them around still. I went to Lowe’s or Home Depot and got a roll of green coated metal fencing with 2x3” holes. I was able to cut off a section and just fold it right at the wire lines to create the corner posts. Each side was 6 inches wide and the whole thing was like 18 inches tall. I snipped up a couple middle sections off the bottom and was able to slide the corner posts right down into my 6 inch pots.
they worked great for keeping the heavy plants upright, and any branches that did make it through were easily supported. With them fitting inside the pots they also didn’t take up any more space in my trays.
Massive, and thick manuals, intimidating but this is why I went to college so I could .... wait no that's wrong. I went to college so I could pay people to do this. Oh dear I forgot that partLooks like work.
Thanks, trust me when I began in 1996 I wish I did too. So I didn't really commit until I retired.Wow man I wish I had your budget!
I worried about the bidirectional communication that identifies what you're running. That's why I opted out and stayed with my analog meter. I would dislike having my appliances rat me out.Power company is installing a smart meter. I'm going to flip flop 2 tents so I don't look like a flashing 12/12 beacon to them.
Good thinking! I got one installed last year while at work. Sneaky bastards.Power company is installing a smart meter. I'm going to flip flop 2 tents so I don't look like a flashing 12/12 beacon to them.
Damn, yes twice they've clipped our seal and tried that with us but luckily I can yell at them over my Ring setup.Good thinking! I got one installed last year while at work. Sneaky bastards.