Annual Retard grow, the ground already!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Okay, finally got my annual 'Guerilla Retard Grow', up and going. It wasn't easy, as I rely on stealthness to make this work annually. This year I didn't have the luxury of being able to hide in the jungle for cover.

Okay, how it works is this way. Doing a "Guerilla Retard Grow", requires the would-be grower to have balls the size of Cadillac hubcaps. What you need as the grower is a good pair of sneekers. Why? Because a "Guerilla Retard Grow", requires that you use "bagseed beans", and to be quick on your feet! Why? Because what makes it a "Guerilla Retard Grow", is because you planted your beans on the grounds of your local police station! I can't think of a better way to use your "bagseeds", how about you? Able to throw 50, or 100 bagseeds in a flower bed at a police sub-station is good fun. Actually the fun starts when you start seeing little greenies popping up everywhere..

Why not try in your neighborhood? I like to call it a "drive by bean toss", sounds harmless enough,right? I mean you'd be extremely handicapped if you actually got out and dug a hole at the "cop shop". So remember boys & girls,...fling the seeds into their flower beds!