Another 600w or 1000w?


So my 600w is doing really well however with my set up I'm not getting good lighting across my room so I am planning on getting another light and set them up so half the room has 1 light to itself. Btw my room is 6' long by about 2.5' deep. I'm using scrog method (currently however with only 1 plant since I had a male) so would 2 x 600w be ideal (cooltubes with reflector to narrow the light) or would a 1000w do the job and then I can use the 600 for veg and set up a perpetual?!

Btw my 600 is about 8inches from the canopy, maybe 10inches from the screen with temps as 67 at dark phase and 72 during light phase.. humidity low at about 20-30%.

Also next time around I think I might try four plants (hoping for atleast 2 females if lucky 3) to set up in my screen since I have it go through the whole grow space which at the moment is barley even filled in the middle by 1 plant.

Edit* when I say I'm not getting good light I mean for the whole room. Its doing wonderful on 1 plant right now but when I plan to have 2 or 3 under the screen I just don't see it happening unless I move the light up maybe a foot.


Well-Known Member
I'd definitely get another 600. I probably would have went with 2 400's from the get go for that size of a room. But hey least you have better light penetration now.

Run them air cooled and linked together.


That's what I was planning to do if I bought another 600, have them linked with some ducting pulling through the same carbon filter and using the same fan.

I mean thinking about it another 600 would be more lumens per watt plus id have 1200w but a 1000w has much more penetration plus id be able to go 600w veg instead of like 20 cfl bulbs. Which I could easily make a tent for 2 mothers and set up a perpetual with my veg tent for the clones.. but then again... lol could go back and forth all day which makes this much harder to decide!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I find myself being troubled by the amount of different ways to design a grow room and grow, makes the efficiency part of my brain go all crazy trying to figure out the best way overall.

If you wanna do a perpetual section the room and mother/veg/clone on one side and flower on the other.


I already have a veg tent its like 3.5'x3'x2' set up for when I veg new seedlings which is in my flower area room, flower being a closet - veg that tent. So id more likely make another tent for mothers if that's what I end up deciding.


This mother idea is actually getting to me.. If I can get a deal for 2 used 600w ballasts from a local hydro shop and setup 2 x 600w flower and then set up a 600w mother tent hopefully I can get something to be around the same price for a 1000w system. Ill have to see first but I like that idea.

easier to think when my thoughts are more organized in black and white.


Well-Known Member
Ya man. Totally go for the other 600 and have both in your flower room. I have a 1000w light in a 6' x 5' room. And i personaly think 6' is too wide even for a 1000w. AKA, to me if you got one more 600w in your flower room, then your light would be much more even coverage (which is what you want for scrog). All out better then 1 1000w. And you'd be "done" on lighting for your flower room. Where as with just 1 1000w, you'd still be lacking and "not done". Then save up and get the right light for your veg/mother tent later. Plus with another 600, youd have 1200w in 15sqft of space, giving you 80w per sqft...
Which is PRIME! lol where as a 1000w would only give you 66w per sqft, which would be ok, if you had even scrog light... Sorry bout the rant, haha. Just got home from work and fully medicated.
GO 600!


Exactly what I wanted to hear from a 1000w user. I think 2 x 600w is what I'm goin for and hopefully I can find a good deal for another 600 for veg. Thanks guys


I love and hate that you have the same issue I am having ( For the most part ) - I also have a room roughly your size ( mine is 6 1/2 by 4 1/2 by 7 foot tall ) and I have been thinking of getting a single 600w ( same as your set up ) but was worried if I got the growing bug, what the 'next' would be.

Did you do well with the 600 or are you just in the 'I'm getting bigger, I need bigger'. If you were to back track - would you do the 600 and have one for your veg or would you do the two 400's?


Well-Known Member
you can get a 1000w light for about the same price as a 600w. but again, it seemed to me that it came down to not enough light. less light = less bud. you want at least 67w per sqft. idealy like 100.


thats wild! If my math is right, thats almost 2000 watts for that grow area. Is 1200 even enough by that 100 watts per sq foot?

Would the current suggested 1 min to clean room CPM formula still apply to 2 1000's or more?


My current veg tent is 3.5'x3'x2.5' and I vegd 2 for 50 days and topped both. If I were to get a third 600w id be making another mother tent.. probably 6'x4'x2.5' for 2 mothers and then set up my smaller veg tent for the clones. That's just off the top of my mind I probably will change things before I construct but that's just to get the idea.

Also if I were to back track I def would get the 600 as I will only be upgrading. Plus I got a really good deal on my 600 system was $180 for everything (digital, dimmable ballast with cooltube and hps bulb with timer and hangers). I'm 100% happy with the performance the 600 put out, except the fact that it doesn't completly give even light throughout my space (from the hight I have my light at for max lumens) but for a sog or reg grow id say a single. 600 will work fine. Scrog is the thing that's making it difficult for my 600w. Like I said I have my light 8" from the canopy and I feel really good about the outcome of this upcoming harvest. But remember that's only because my 600 is working on 1 plant. When I had 2 in there after the 2 week stretch the spread was already pushing the 600 limit until I chopped the male.


bud bootlegger
yah, i always like the idea of 2 600's over one 1k any day of the week.... the bonuses far out weigh the negatives imo.... you get better light coverage by having two sources of light as opposed to one, and extra 200 watts of light, and less heat over all...
if i ever get a big enough room that i need that much light, i'm surely going with 2 600s over 1k...

oh yah, i also forgot to mention that the 600 watter is the best producer of light when you look at watts / lumen, they are by far the best in that dpt.. :)