another beginning newb here


Active Member
First off do away with the Miricle Grow soil especially if your planning on using a seprate Nute system. Reason MG has a nute system that activates with water and is impossiable to control effectively. Secound cover the bottom one inch of your pots or at least around the drain holes with rocks, I used the larger Natural stone aquarium rocks. Reason proper drainage especially on your first grow since you'll probably over water the plants its almost enevitable like a parent with there first child. Bonus to rocks if you need to flush your plants it will make it that much easier and quicker with improved drainage. Go buy a General Hydroponic PH control kit. They run 17.50 at the local grow shop. Reason It will give you a cheap way to monitor your waters PH level and it comes with a PH up and Down solution to adjust it, just remember to use sparingly its potent stuff. let me look at your post again.