another cali summer...2010


Well-Known Member
Ya man no problem. Are you gonna be using cfls or tubed flouro's? For small setups the cfls work best and for bigger i like the t-5 ho lamps. Keep those bulbs 2 inches away at all times for good growth.



Well-Known Member
Damn looking good man. By harvest time they will be friggen HUGE. cant wait too see w2hat you will yield in total.

I need to get out too Humboldt and get me a g13 clone to grow indoors.

Cali love man.


Active Member
bricked- im about 35 mins from the cali border on the oregon side. Have you tried smart pots before. They work great and recommend them to any one. I was wondering how the purple wreck is doing as far.

Do the bugs tend to stay away form it. Is there large growth or is it a smaller plant.
Great garden man love the updates and the pics.


Well-Known Member
thank you oregon grown,now that you mention it the purple wreck does seem to be alott more pest resistant than any other strain in the garden. It was stunted at first from a p.h problem but now theyre growing into wicked little bushes. It is keeping a 3 and 5 leaf pattern with no real large fan leaves just getting crazy bushy.


Active Member
Glad to hear the problem is fixed. I am currently searching for the puplewreck where I am at. Did you get your pw from a clinic or a diff party ?? Cheers and a happy harvest to you and your girls.


Well-Known Member
there my hindu skunk bushes ive gott 4 of them and every one is at least 4-5ft in width there so bushy its pure black in the middle, i grew that strain lat year it made the best hash out of all my strains


Well-Known Member
i gott em from one of the clubs last year and just kept the cuting, I grew it last summer outdoors, last winter indoors and now again this summer its a really flavorfull strain and it makes some gooey bubble. Im really not to sure about the breeder.


Well-Known Member
hell ya reserva privada is awsome, im gonna get some blackberry kush clones as soon as they get em in over here, im pretty stoked it has a sweet taste