Another curled leaf problem


Chopper 040.jpgChopper 038.jpgI have 2 unknown clones that I rescued from a dying yard plant. They have been trying to curl and cup under from the beginning. They are shown in 5 gallon buckets and are very short, dense and full of under developed leaves near the stalk. I am using m.g. potting mix and no added nutreints. Best as I can tell from my ph tablets, the ph is between 6-7. Leaves are curled, cupped, dry and papery, dark green old growth with yellow tinted new growth. Just switched from flourescent to hid but no real difference. I water every 3-4 days with 2 quarts each. They have shown female pistals and white hairs since 1st week and still have them at , I,m guessing 3 weeks now. I don't want to lose these after all this time of checking and babying them. Whats going on with this,,sorry for the I could do with my canera.


Well-Known Member
Really, they look ok for a rescue.

However, after taking a closer look, the older growth is also developing purplish stems, indicating a minor phosphorus lockout or deficiency.

Since you have added no nutrients, You most likelyhave a defiency of some kind, unless you are using the soil from God's britches.

I recommend adding an even number NPK ie 10-10-10,5-5-5 whatever, all purpose fertilizer to correct any deficiencies.

My week2: bloom Natural Soil formula would work great too.