Another death..


Well-Known Member
Try and keep busy in the next few days. The family will be busy making arrangements. You could help by offering to write a nice eulogy for the funeral and speak about these funny times. Everyone will remember him fondly and u will be a bit pre-occupied in the meantime. Don't forget to eat and personally I didn't really smoke for 2 weeks as i needed a clear head.

Good luck. X


Active Member
Try and keep busy in the next few days. The family will be busy making arrangements. You could help by offering to write a nice eulogy for the funeral and speak about these funny times. Everyone will remember him fondly and u will be a bit pre-occupied in the meantime. Don't forget to eat and personally I didn't really smoke for 2 weeks as i needed a clear head.

Good luck. X
Thanks for the advice. I'm deffinatly going to speak at his funeral.. Need to go eat and buy a pack of cigarettes


Active Member
Thank you everyone! Been talking to a lot of old friends today. Funny how a single death can unite so many people. Keep your friends close because you never know... You just never know.. And be nice to your gf/bf toooo.. Sometimes we take life and other people for granted when we should be rejoicing about the good that we have

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry. I hope your memories will be a comfort for you.

It does seem to hurt more when the young ones die. It's magnified because they are so full of life and it seemed like they should have a lifetime ahead of them. Then it's all wiped out in a heartbeat.

Sorry, so sorry.


Active Member
Thank you both so much.. Just pounded a few beers to take the edge off. Still trying to wrap my head around it....

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
It's tough but it will get easier with time. My best friend who was like a brother to me and family to my family died back in may of 2007, he left a wife and a 6 month old baby girl. He died two days after a family friend that I had known my whole life and who was like a second father to me, and a week after my cousin. If my great uncles wife had died a few days earlier I would have gone to four funerals that month.


Bro, I know that nothing any of us say will make it better, but I'll say that I've lost at least one good friend a year to either cars or dope, normally a combination of the two.... It will never be "better", but it will get better bro. I still cry about ALL of them, but life does move on. Keep it as a reminder of who counts on you and you never get in that same spot if you can help it. If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here bro.


Well-Known Member
I think the hardest part about death is the one's left behind. Remember the good times and hug your friends some times, you never know when it might be the last.