Another dinafem mutant


Well-Known Member
well i got this seed from a buddy from dinafem yeah it was a ufo but regular price on this strain is quite high. any how it's a shark attack it started real slow and to be honest i thought it would die off at some point but the little fucker is now a decent bush with a very pleasant smell at only 1 week into 12/12 but the mutant part was when it was young it grew these weird ass leaves observe pics. just wandering if any of you running this strain or had any other dinafem's do this?room 017.jpgroom 018.jpgroom 019.jpgroom 020.jpgroom 021.jpg


Active Member
it's almost a comment more than a question isn't it?
The plant might have been under a different light at first, then if you use a bigger light, the leaves get bigger and healthier from then on.
Likely it was caused by environment if the new growth is not the same.
looks like you are takin good care of them but I haven't grew any dinafem.

Chronic Indica

Active Member
Plants can do weird things. If the rest of the plant looks healthy then it should be fine. Were they feminized seeds? I had a few weird looking leaves on one of my purple og's when it was young, eventually the lower leaves died off and it looked like the rest of it's siblings.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...those are weird looking...I love Dinafem seeds and have had no issues...although from time to time I get a leaf that has like those little leaflets at the bottom, and instead of being on the bottom of the leaf stem they are kinda sticking straight up on top of the other leaf blades...but that isn't that weird...those leaves look like one half grew faster than the


Well-Known Member
The plants in the picture aren't of the dinafem only the leaves,was just curious cause on the other site was a thread on dinafem mutant's but the plant is doing rather well now those were actually some of the first leaves on plant .


Well-Known Member
Plants can do weird things. If the rest of the plant looks healthy then it should be fine. Were they feminized seeds? I had a few weird looking leaves on one of my purple og's when it was young, eventually the lower leaves died off and it looked like the rest of it's siblings.
I'm pretty sure they were feminized ,after listening to tga subcool rant for hours lol i think i am going to try some of his strains he has a good philosophy on breeding and gives a rather good reason as to why not use fem seeds.(mutations) being one of them.

Chronic Indica

Active Member
I'm pretty sure they were feminized ,after listening to tga subcool rant for hours lol i think i am going to try some of his strains he has a good philosophy on breeding and gives a rather good reason as to why not use fem seeds.(mutations) being one of them.
yea man he has a great line of seeds. Im actually going to order some here real soon before they sell out again. + rep for the plant in the back.


Well-Known Member
What strains are you looking to get from him think i want to try jack the ripper and vortex. Also i will try to get a pic of that plant today it is crazy dense with buds and it's only about 2 ft tall,that's my kc 36 takes a while to finish out though :(


Well-Known Member
Thinking about plushberry myself.I'm trying to get a mixture of genitics for when i move i wil be set for a while.Where i am moving there is no mail man to deliver seeds lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong about mutations? In animals it might be a big deal, but in plants it can actually be beneficial (polyploidy can result in larger plants etc.) or adventurous at least. I have had some mutant leaves from time to time and now I have a plant with whorled phyllotaxy (more than usual 2 petioles arising from a node) which gave me more foliage, thicker stem on affected branch, and up to 4 bud-spots at a node. If the mutant leaf is green and healthy it does its job as if it were normal.


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong about mutations? In animals it might be a big deal, but in plants it can actually be beneficial (polyploidy can result in larger plants etc.) or adventurous at least. I have had some mutant leaves from time to time and now I have a plant with whorled phyllotaxy (more than usual 2 petioles arising from a node) which gave me more foliage, thicker stem on affected branch, and up to 4 bud-spots at a node. If the mutant leaf is green and healthy it does its job as if it were normal.
Really wasn't saying there was anything wrong with a mutation just seems dinafem has their fair share.was on another forum about this subject and some of their exp. was they got really vigorus plants from the mutated ones.this plant has not shown any mutations lately and is doing very well now.

Chronic Indica

Active Member
i don't really think there that expensive? around 60 bucks for 5,at least you know your getting good genetics ! do you order through tude?
That's true, yeah i do. 11 dollars for a seed seems a little expensive to me haha. should be like 5, subcool must be making bank. Gotta be some of the best genetics around though.


Well-Known Member
You know that old saying you get what you pay for!:bigjoint: i just wish he had more indica's but i'm going for his entire library then i'm starting on bog's.Also looking into getting some of his soil if it's not to damn much cash. he really kicks out some chomler's