Another first aerogarden!! Yay!!


Active Member
yeah good idea. im done pruning i just thought those lower branches didn't need to be there.. i mean they stilll provide nutrients and stuff but i don't really want any popcorn bud, i figured the plant will focus on the top colas more now.... i've read good and bad, who knows.. its my first grow so i'm allowed to fudge up a bit


Well-Known Member
found out what it was, i had an orange near the setup to help provide a little extra co2 turns out lights and nearby water make for moldy oranges haha, grossss anyway everything is looking good.. did a llittle pruning on the lower branches :)

Your grow looks good. Where did you hear about oranges providing C02? What's the science behind that? Good luck.


Active Member
Doesn't ripening fruit release C02? probably not enough to make a difference but just a thought.. bad idea though cause it molds.. yucky ducky bucket


Active Member
Doesn't ripening fruit release C02? probably not enough to make a difference but just a thought.. bad idea though cause it molds.. yucky ducky bucket

I think you are right they do relese co2 but not at high enough levels...try the yeast method if you wanna do it for cheep.


Active Member
SO I rinsed off the roots using spring water VERY GENTLY because of the mold that grew in the res and i washed the res with NO SOAPS just hot water and let it dry then I added nutrient and spring water and put the plant back in... She started to droop and I thought that may be because of the stress but now shes TERRIBLY drooping and not coming back.. HELP IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO HELP?!!!?!?!

Stimulate root growth?
Add something to the water?


Active Member
Well, she didn't perk back up...... sad day for me.. oh well just three months of work down the drain, hahaha.. nah.. so I took her out of the aero and potted her in some soil after taking off all of the droopy leaves and cutting back the roots.. i also repotted the little one in a larger pot. Im going to try to make TWO clone making machine mothers... so I'm back to square one.. any tips or tricks for making mothers grow faster/stronger/more cloneable branches? lemme know.. (might get pics soon, camera is mia)


Active Member
Sorry forgot to let everybody know this grow died..... along with my dreams. My ass of a roommate had me get rid of them cause she thought they would show our apartment... never happened. I did get the plant out and at some friends but they killed it, haha.. Oh well I've started another grow check it out on the INDOOR GROWING THREAD :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry forgot to let everybody know this grow died..... along with my dreams. My ass of a roommate had me get rid of them cause she thought they would show our apartment... never happened. I did get the plant out and at some friends but they killed it, haha.. Oh well I've started another grow check it out on the INDOOR GROWING THREAD :)
Post a link in here too, please.
