Another gun thread

For a long time, and philosophically I am still there, I thought we should legalize all drugs. Personal responsibility and all that. Terrible idea in practice, just massively bad. There was sort of an effort towards legalizing everything, or rather they just quit enforcing rules like "don't shoot heroin on the sidewalk" or whatever and it's just turned into a gross nightmare.
When, where? Link please!

I still think all drugs should be legal, and there should be a well-regulated (modern usage) system of dispensaries. There should also be free and quickly available drug counseling based on medical fact, not moral bias. Prohibition, like blockade duty, is hard demoralizing work with at best a negative result.
See...that's the problem. We CANT issue rights that depend on what people need.

No one needs a 300 ft yacht. No one needs a space ship, no one needs..caviar, no one needs servants.

But what if one persons...needs, impinges on another's? Then what? She needs an abortion. He needs a place to live, they need enough food. We need for our child to not be shot. They need health care.

I figure we should prioritize need from the ground up but

I got no answers.

Usually, rights are about access, then the rest is up to us.
Gotcha, but why is diversity automatically a liability? Why does a mixture of firearms and varied culture invariably lead to deadly violence?

What is this fear of other that we have bred into our culture?
It goes by a simple word: bigotry. Fear of the other is the driver.
When, where? Link please!

I still think all drugs should be legal, and there should be a well-regulated (modern usage) system of dispensaries. There should also be free and quickly available drug counseling based on medical fact, not moral bias. Prohibition, like blockade duty, is hard demoralizing work with at best a negative result.

It's a good idea in theory, in practice it hasn't worked at all.
For a long time, and philosophically I am still there, I thought we should legalize all drugs. Personal responsibility and all that. Terrible idea in practice, just massively bad. There was sort of an effort towards legalizing everything, or rather they just quit enforcing rules like "don't shoot heroin on the sidewalk" or whatever and it's just turned into a gross nightmare.
I was going to try to find crime stats to go with this to see what they are/change over time but couldn't. I would be curious how that has changed along with their decriminalizing everything.
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Well, they did have like 5 varieties of opiates and 3 types of meth available 24/7 in the men's room of the bus station up till recently. Quicker than stopping at the dispensary.

Sure, it's not really legal, but eh, I'm all set on that idea based on this experiment. Meth all day makes people crazy. Then the rest of society has to deal with them.
Well, they did have like 5 varieties of opiates and 3 types of meth available 24/7 in the men's room of the bus station up till recently. Quicker than stopping at the dispensary.

Sure, it's not really legal, but eh, I'm all set on that idea based on this experiment. Meth all day makes people crazy. Then the rest of society has to deal with them.
There are types of meth? I never hung with any users.
I was going to try to find crime stats to go with this to see what they are/change over time but couldn't. I would be curious how that has changed along with their decriminalizing everything.
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It hasn't quite worked out like that here, that is what I think they were attempting to mimic, and no doubt it's a good idea in theory.

A missing chunk is that Portugal probably has health and mental health treatment that we don't. We just have crazy people smoking meth getting crazier. The denver experiment didn't address the obvious related issues, just stopped busting people. So they just get as wild as they want until they attack a tourist or whatever.
I wonder about those thousand-plus incarcerations. Intent to sell, possibly.
Things like intoxicated driving too I would think.

It hasn't quite worked out like that here, that is what I think they were attempting to mimic, and no doubt it's a good idea in theory.

A missing chunk is that Portugal probably has health and mental health treatment that we don't. We just have crazy people smoking meth getting crazier. The denver experiment didn't address the obvious related issues, just stopped busting people. So they just get as wild as they want until they attack a tourist or whatever.
True, it also doesn't help to be the mecca for all the turds from your neighbors who are not on board too I am guessing.
Fucking brown people, othersexuals, and empowered women....they just make me so mad, over there, conspiring about something!

I'm so happy to have been raised in California by decent people.
Fucking brown people, othersexuals, and empowered women....they just make me so mad, over there, conspiring about something!

I'm so happy to have been raised in California by decent people.
I’m happy to have been raised back East by decent people. I’m that cliché, the California immigrant.
here's something to think about when talking about "civil war"...a lot of gun statistics are from polls, and they don't do a lot of those polls in the inner city. the statistics say about 25% of blacks and latinos own guns, but i'm betting that number is significantly higher, as most of them haven't been polled, and if they were they had very little reason to be honest, and plenty of reasons to lie.
most gun owners are white men who live in rural settings...if and when they "rise up" and come to the city, they're going to be in for a big surprise...they're going to be facing armed minorities that know if these people win, they're going to suffer for it. armed minorities who grew up in the areas they will be fighting in, many of whom are in their own "armed militias"...called gangs...
while i don't consider myself either a democrat or a republikan, i tend to lean towards the more liberal philosophy...and i'm armed. most of the democrats i know are armed. gun ownership may be more prevalent among republikans, but they do not own all the guns, by a long shot.
if they try an armed take over, i see about a week of very bloody fighting, and then the few of them that survive will creep back to their shacks in the woods, and try to act like they didn't participate.....
This thread was a good read and touched on many topics. The name calling and bashing were at a minimum which I personally like.

The topic of civil war is interesting to me. Seems many talk about it, but I doubt it would ever happen. Like you, I don't consider myself a dem or rep, but unlike you, I lean a little more conservative but at my own judgment, nothing to do with what a party is telling me.

I don't think its about who has the guns, more about who is willing to fight. Which, I bet is not very many. There wouldn't be red coat vs blue coats, or whites vs minorities. You might not even know who was on the other side until it was too late, being many don't express their politics and a lot, just want to be happy. All military and law enforcement are people just like you and I. They have family and opinions just like we do. I would hope they would put down their arms before killing people on the other side over politics, whatever that might be.

I can honestly say, in the last hundred years, many things have changed, and I hope we can all agree that they are for the better, or at least we are making progress as a society. And I believe that's what we should focus on. Continual improvement.

I have come to terms that society will never be perfect. You will always have hatred, racism, and just the random rouge person who is hell bent on taking people lives. I don't think there will ever be a law or restriction that will stop people like that. Sad but true.

I see one common enemy. The media.. They are pushing people on the left and right to be more extreme and creating division using propaganda and politics, that both sides. I'm sure our elected and not elected officials are at fault too by creating division. We are stronger together and some don't see that any and all politicians stay in power by people following them blindly, or sticking to exactly what one party says instead of making up their own minds about each individual topic. And many of our leaders are getting rich by selling out on laws that aren't good for us, but will line their own pockets. To me, those people are the real enemies.

I love the fact that we do live in a constitutional republic and not a true democracy. That the God given rights granted to us cannot be taken away by the majority no matter what direction we head in the future. I wish many people would come to terms with that. Seems to be the reason many of us fight and argue.

I have the right to free speech, the right to bare arms, and many other rights. It is not up to any individual to silence, nor try to impede on my rights. If you don't like guns, don't get one. Don't like what I say, ignore me. I believe the same about abortions and many other things. I believe any crime should be judged on the facts brought in a trial. For example, if someone does a mass shooting, that person should be charged, and not the means of them doing it. A bad cop, shouldn't represent the good ones. An irresponsible gun owner shouldn't have anything to do with those that are responsible, or the responsible ones shouldn't face any penalty or scrutiny from anyone by the actions of someone else. Above all, I believe in freedom.

If I was hell bent anti gun, anti gay, anti black or white and it consumed my thoughts on a daily basis, I would find a country that suited my beliefs better instead of trying to change the founding principal of the country I live in, America.

I know I might get bashed for some of my views, or the simple saying that I love America and that doesn't bother me. Its your God given right to disagree. I am just proud of all that we accomplished as a nation. I know there is a lot of work to be done, but together with compromise, compassion, and understanding, I think we are on a path of continuous improvement, and that is a good thing.
This thread was a good read and touched on many topics. The name calling and bashing were at a minimum which I personally like.

The topic of civil war is interesting to me. Seems many talk about it, but I doubt it would ever happen. Like you, I don't consider myself a dem or rep, but unlike you, I lean a little more conservative but at my own judgment, nothing to do with what a party is telling me.

I don't think its about who has the guns, more about who is willing to fight. Which, I bet is not very many. There wouldn't be red coat vs blue coats, or whites vs minorities. You might not even know who was on the other side until it was too late, being many don't express their politics and a lot, just want to be happy. All military and law enforcement are people just like you and I. They have family and opinions just like we do. I would hope they would put down their arms before killing people on the other side over politics, whatever that might be.

I can honestly say, in the last hundred years, many things have changed, and I hope we can all agree that they are for the better, or at least we are making progress as a society. And I believe that's what we should focus on. Continual improvement.

I have come to terms that society will never be perfect. You will always have hatred, racism, and just the random rouge person who is hell bent on taking people lives. I don't think there will ever be a law or restriction that will stop people like that. Sad but true.

I see one common enemy. The media.. They are pushing people on the left and right to be more extreme and creating division using propaganda and politics, that both sides. I'm sure our elected and not elected officials are at fault too by creating division. We are stronger together and some don't see that any and all politicians stay in power by people following them blindly, or sticking to exactly what one party says instead of making up their own minds about each individual topic. And many of our leaders are getting rich by selling out on laws that aren't good for us, but will line their own pockets. To me, those people are the real enemies.

I love the fact that we do live in a constitutional republic and not a true democracy. That the God given rights granted to us cannot be taken away by the majority no matter what direction we head in the future. I wish many people would come to terms with that. Seems to be the reason many of us fight and argue.

I have the right to free speech, the right to bare arms, and many other rights. It is not up to any individual to silence, nor try to impede on my rights. If you don't like guns, don't get one. Don't like what I say, ignore me. I believe the same about abortions and many other things. I believe any crime should be judged on the facts brought in a trial. For example, if someone does a mass shooting, that person should be charged, and not the means of them doing it. A bad cop, shouldn't represent the good ones. An irresponsible gun owner shouldn't have anything to do with those that are responsible, or the responsible ones shouldn't face any penalty or scrutiny from anyone by the actions of someone else. Above all, I believe in freedom.

If I was hell bent anti gun, anti gay, anti black or white and it consumed my thoughts on a daily basis, I would find a country that suited my beliefs better instead of trying to change the founding principal of the country I live in, America.

I know I might get bashed for some of my views, or the simple saying that I love America and that doesn't bother me. Its your God given right to disagree. I am just proud of all that we accomplished as a nation. I know there is a lot of work to be done, but together with compromise, compassion, and understanding, I think we are on a path of continuous improvement, and that is a good thing.

Food production is much worse today, but I'd like to query your conservatism with a couple questions. Do you support gay rights? What are your thoughts on pollution?

Also, it's always appreciated when people put effort into their posts and you clearly did, so good on ya for that.
This thread was a good read and touched on many topics. The name calling and bashing were at a minimum which I personally like.

The topic of civil war is interesting to me. Seems many talk about it, but I doubt it would ever happen. Like you, I don't consider myself a dem or rep, but unlike you, I lean a little more conservative but at my own judgment, nothing to do with what a party is telling me.

I don't think its about who has the guns, more about who is willing to fight. Which, I bet is not very many. There wouldn't be red coat vs blue coats, or whites vs minorities. You might not even know who was on the other side until it was too late, being many don't express their politics and a lot, just want to be happy. All military and law enforcement are people just like you and I. They have family and opinions just like we do. I would hope they would put down their arms before killing people on the other side over politics, whatever that might be.

I can honestly say, in the last hundred years, many things have changed, and I hope we can all agree that they are for the better, or at least we are making progress as a society. And I believe that's what we should focus on. Continual improvement.

I have come to terms that society will never be perfect. You will always have hatred, racism, and just the random rouge person who is hell bent on taking people lives. I don't think there will ever be a law or restriction that will stop people like that. Sad but true.

I see one common enemy. The media.. They are pushing people on the left and right to be more extreme and creating division using propaganda and politics, that both sides. I'm sure our elected and not elected officials are at fault too by creating division. We are stronger together and some don't see that any and all politicians stay in power by people following them blindly, or sticking to exactly what one party says instead of making up their own minds about each individual topic. And many of our leaders are getting rich by selling out on laws that aren't good for us, but will line their own pockets. To me, those people are the real enemies.

I love the fact that we do live in a constitutional republic and not a true democracy. That the God given rights granted to us cannot be taken away by the majority no matter what direction we head in the future. I wish many people would come to terms with that. Seems to be the reason many of us fight and argue.

I have the right to free speech, the right to bare arms, and many other rights. It is not up to any individual to silence, nor try to impede on my rights. If you don't like guns, don't get one. Don't like what I say, ignore me. I believe the same about abortions and many other things. I believe any crime should be judged on the facts brought in a trial. For example, if someone does a mass shooting, that person should be charged, and not the means of them doing it. A bad cop, shouldn't represent the good ones. An irresponsible gun owner shouldn't have anything to do with those that are responsible, or the responsible ones shouldn't face any penalty or scrutiny from anyone by the actions of someone else. Above all, I believe in freedom.

If I was hell bent anti gun, anti gay, anti black or white and it consumed my thoughts on a daily basis, I would find a country that suited my beliefs better instead of trying to change the founding principal of the country I live in, America.

I know I might get bashed for some of my views, or the simple saying that I love America and that doesn't bother me. Its your God given right to disagree. I am just proud of all that we accomplished as a nation. I know there is a lot of work to be done, but together with compromise, compassion, and understanding, I think we are on a path of continuous improvement, and that is a good thing.
I can agree with all of this depending on what you mean by 'media' in this part.

I see one common enemy. The media.. They are pushing people on the left and right to be more extreme and creating division using propaganda and politics, that both sides. I'm sure our elected and not elected officials are at fault too by creating division. We are stronger together and some don't see that any and all politicians stay in power by people following them blindly, or sticking to exactly what one party says instead of making up their own minds about each individual topic. And many of our leaders are getting rich by selling out on laws that aren't good for us, but will line their own pockets. To me, those people are the real enemies.

Media means anything, you were technically 'media' when you posted. I don't agree with the 'both sides' part unless you mean the fact that right wing/foreign nations have been seen cat fishing as 'the left' to make it look like it the Democrats are doing the same things that the Republicans/right wing propagandists have been to drive us apart, and they have not.

Food production is much worse today, but I'd like to query your conservatism with a couple questions. Do you support gay rights? What are your thoughts on pollution?

Also, it's always appreciated when people put effort into their posts and you clearly did, so good on ya for that.
I agree with food production.

I support gay rights. I have gay friends that are some of the kindest people I know. Just like everything in life, I dislike over the top people. Example, a gay person that all they talk about is gay. Gay this, gay that. I have many friends of different races also. The past summer, I was invited to a buddies 4th of july party. I was one of the only few whites there. I was treated with respect from everyone. My only issues were my friends two sisters. Yes, they were black, and they made sure you knew it. They talked about black business, as a strong black woman, brought up racism several times. I do not want to be around people over the top like that, and from what my friend tells me, that's all the talk about. I was just there to have a good time, this is why i don't care to be around any over the top person. Same with politics. Lean left or right.. But if we are all together for a celebration, stop bringing it up. We get it.

Honestly, I don't have much of an opinion on pollution. I am not versed in the subject. Of course, I would like to stop pollution, but when and where to draw the line, I am not very knowledgeable.