Another how much longer. S.A.G.E.


Ok so first time growing a sativa dom and im 10 weeks in. Breeder says 10-11 weeks im thinking another week or two. Ive heard of sage going 13 though. Trics look clear and cloudy about 50/50 seen a few amber.

Also take a shot at yield predictions ill post the number after harvest this next month.



Ya I had a 150 watt hps on it till 5 weeks of flowering which wasnt enough. Upgraded to a 600 watt now and shes so happy lol. Temps were an issue at first but better now. Now that I have a good light im excited about my next grow. Thinking about building a small 2x3 flood and drain system since I have a lil height to work with.

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Well-Known Member
Today, tomorrow, a week or so from now, worst case :weed: Depends on how you like your high :eyesmoke: 150w to 600w, I should say she'd be much happier and you will be too bongsmilie

Good work!

R2T :peace:


Active Member
More than a week, maybe ten days, she will reward you, you'll see.. And have also in mind : when you think it's ready, wait another week!


Thanks. Gonna wait another week or two. ive read that sage likes to put on weight the last few weeks and I dont want to miss out. just picked up some good quality smoke so not in a hurry really. Just getting excited lol.


Active Member
IMO .. I would chop them now. (But I like the Head high)..honestly..I think if you go longer than 10 more will start loosing potency.


Ok so I think im gonna chop this weekend but there's been some changes since the weekend. I changed the res on Friday and since then she hasn't been drinking as much. Used to be aboit 1/3 gallon a day now significantly less. Ph has been steady no rise or fall. Its between 5.7 and 6.3 or so. Fan leaves are yellowing off and a lil purple has shown up in the leaves.

I know the leaves yellow near the end but didn't think it would be this fast. Last time I flushed for over a week using dwc and I thought the yellowing was from lack of nutes. Everything seems fine just a lil worried I guess. Here's a few pics of how she looks.

Thinking about cutting her on Halloween but I can wait if needed.



10-29-13 (7).jpg10-29-13 (9).jpg10-03-13 (10).jpg10-03-13 (4).jpg10-03-13 (7).jpgWell I am a first Time Grower its Outside Grow.!! with Sunlight started in June & Now.!!! we in October for Flowering Formation!! How long does it take to be ready 3 Month's or 4 Month's ?? can someone give & be simple About do not need an *Explanation* I just a Short Answer Please<!! :bigjoint:if you guys see the leave Burnt at the End it because My Brother is an Idiot he sprayed the Plant with water & Miracle-Grow which Burned the leaves He a Dumm Ass...


Well what strain? When did you start? What latitude do you live? So many variables to determine how long. More outdoor then indoor. Looks to me like 3 weeks at least. Most outdoor crops in colorado and similar climates are being chopped now or already chopped unless they are long flowering sativas.

feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Newb grower here too but I do browse the forum quite a bit.


So I think im gonna chop her tomorrow. leaves are yellow and dying all the way up. Trichomes are like 20% clear the rest cloudy. maybe 5% amber. I got a sativa for the up high so I think itll be good. Also noticed a few gnats in my res a couple days ago and seen a few very small black specs on some stems. smaller than a trichome head. Im a lil worried now will investigate during harvest. a few pics of her final hours

