Another lost Newbie, please help

Photo 227.jpgPhoto 222.jpgPhoto 223.jpgPhoto 224.jpgPhoto 225.jpgPhoto 226.jpgI'm having multiple problems. My plants are 2 weeks old and showing different problems, in the same plant. some have 1,2,3or all 4 of these issues. im using a mixture of equal parts black magic and a seed starter soil with perlite and vermiculite. Big Bud and NY Diesel under 600w mh. Good temp, using distilled water.Havent checked ph, will buy meter in morning. no nutes yet. Some show dead brown areas maybe nute burn, folding taco leaves, rust spots and light green areas(possible nitrogen diff?) some plants look fine. 2 different strains, but the same strain in one pot will be fine while the other is not. Don't know if soil is too hot or needs nutes. Any ideas?:?

Claude Bawls

Active Member
One issue I can see is they may need more room. You'd be surprised at the amount of root growth you can get at 2 weeks in.