another question about sex (sorry)


Active Member
sorry guys, you probably get sick of hearing questions about sex.

I only have a camera phone and cant get good enough close ups to show what im on about, so i did a little sketch.

My question is, my plants have a few little balls where the hairs/balls should be to indicate sex (labelled white hairs on pic), some of them have white hairs coming out and some don't (on the same plant/branch). I thought females should only have one little ball/sack with hairs coming out, not multiple?

Also on the pic, the part i labeled 'white hairs 2', which is the bud/flower, all of my plants have white hairs on them there. Do males also have white hairs there, But not on the node itself? Or do males have no white hairs period? Cos all the flowers on all my plants have white hairs, but not all have white hairs on the node part (labeled white hairs), and some have multiple balls there, but none have balls on the flower them selves (part labeled white hairs 2).

I know this is probably very confusing, but if someone could help it would be great, i just don't want to rip any females, cheers.



Active Member
also, i have read shit loads of pages on sex and all that, so please don't abuse me and say 'do some reading'. i have. Just a first time grower who is probably a bit paranoid about males. Just havn't seen plant that look like mine, i thought they might be hermie but i read that hermies have nuts on the flower itself, which mine do not.



Active Member
yeah there is some ball/pods/sacks or whatever without hairs, but the plants are only just on two weeks flower as of 5 minutes ago, so i was thinking that as time goes more hairs will develop. I'm more wondering whether males have whit hairs or not on the flower?


Active Member
As mistaphuck asked I would say hes getting at female sex glands may look bally at times but have hairs where as male sex glands don't have hairs they are all ball. In case you don't know you may have both (male/female). Sounds like they may be hermaphrodite. If so you can still get bud but it will seed its self bad. Where did you get your seeds? Beyond where you got seeds what have your grow conditions been in terms of Ph, Temp & Light Cycle been so far. Basically any STRESS??? STRESS: could be the seeds you got were some mexi-hermi stress or environmental stress.


Well-Known Member
np maybe give it a day or so but i personally woulnt risk keeping it if you dont get some hairs on them by then


Active Member
ph is 5.8, monitor it every few days, barely changes but i adjust when necessary. Light is 400w hps cooltube. Temps are fine i think, light is on at night time, and it has been spring latley, day time outside temp 15-25 not sure in tent, seems fine though) They are in a growlush grow tent ( i was a little worried about light leaks but don't think i need to be ), thats my grow tent question.

The balls are more teardrop then perfectly round. Looks like some have opened a little, this happened a few days ago then got hairs, but some don't have hairs.

So should every single little ball have hairs?

Once again thanks for the speedy replies, i really appreciate the help.


Active Member
Here are male pollen sacks open LINK. As you referred they opened a little and you notice the teardrop as mistaphuck mentioned sound like pollen sacks to me sorry if that's the case.


Active Member
thanks for all the help guys, i'll probably leave them for another day or so like was suggested. Im going to bed, will update tomorrow night.

Also could some please shout out if male flowers get any white hairs? ( i probably got hermies)

I'll talk tomorrow, cheers!