Another Republican President, Another Recession.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member attachment 5100633
U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are seen during the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 30, 2018. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci

It was a double-whammy for two of then-President Donald Trump’s biggest patrons, Vladimir Putin and American fossil-fuel billionaires and their industry: the price of oil was too damn low.

Between the pandemic-induced collapse in demand for oil and the price war Saudi Arabia was then fighting with Russia — two of the world’s largest producers — Putin was being pinched badly. And in America, from Pennsylvania to Texas, oil producers were outright losing money on the oil they pumped. Gas prices were at record lows, gutting the profits even of refiners.

So, Trump acted. It seemed inexplicable at the time, but in retrospect (knowing now how tied to Putin he was) it makes perfect sense.

In the second year of his presidency, Trump had blown up the Iran nuclear deal that Obama had a hand in fashioning, letting us all think it was because he was trying to erase Obama’s legacy. But the real and immediate impact of Trump’s decision was to pull almost 3 million barrels of Iranian oil a day off the world market, boosting profits for Russia, Saudi Arabia and the US fossil fuel industry.

But that was 2018 and by 2020 prices were again sagging — and thus about 40 percent of the total revenue/income to Russia’s economy was sagging — as demand dropped because of the pandemic. Saudi Arabia was making the situation worse for Putin, keeping their oil production high to compete with Russia for worldwide market share, particularly in Chinese oil markets, and in retaliation for Russia refusing to go along with price-supporting production cuts.

Oil prices had fallen as low as $15 a barrel because Saudi Arabia had opened their spigots full-on, according to Reuters:

So Trump took decisive action.

He called up his buddy, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and essentially threatened that if MBS didn’t cut production (and thus raise worldwide oil prices, which would help out Putin and US petrobillionaires) the United States would reconsider its seven-decade-long military support for the kingdom.

As Reuters reported on April 30, 2020, in an article titled Special Report: Trump told Saudi: Cut Oil Supply or Lose U.S. Military Support:

Oil-drenched Republican Senators Kevin Cramer and Dan Sullivan had draftedlegislation to pull US troops out of Saudi Arabia, giving Trump the club he could wield against the Saudis to help out both Putin and the US oil industry that was seeing bankruptcies spread across the country.

Thus, in the last year of his presidency, Trump oversaw the worldwide cuts in oil production that would lead to today’s prices soaring well past $130 a barrel.

Which brings us to today, with oil prices soaring. When President Biden tried to reach out to our allies, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to ask them to restore the production they’d cut under threat from Trump, both refused to take his call, according to press reports.

Meteor Blades reports at Daily Kos that The Wall Street Journal laid it out:

The outcome is predictable. Saudi Arabia and Russia keep oil production tight to keep oil prices and profits high, while President Biden is attacked from every direction in the US for high prices at the pump.

Republican politicians grandstand on the issue and hammer it daily into the news, blaming the increased price of gasoline on a president who’s trying to both get Iranian oil back on the market and increase Saudi production. The high price of gas and diesel, meanwhile, keep jacking up US inflation, giving the GOP another lead pipe to hit Democrats over the head with.

Neither of Biden’s efforts to lower oil prices are working, though, as the result of Trump’s two gutless actions on behalf of his patrons.

The Iranian talks are bogged down (the Iranians can see what happens to a country that gives up its nukes just by turning on the news and looking at Ukraine) and Saudi Arabia wants Biden to come on bended knee and approve of their slaughter in Yemen, something that would be very costly to American moral standing in the world.

The result is more money for Putin’s war machine and the Saudi crown prince, and a significant increase in the chances an oil-industry-friendly Republican Congress will be installed next year and a Putin/Saudi-friendly Republican President will win election in 2024.
just when you think you couldn't hate trump or republicans any more...they give you even more reason. and the kicker is, magats will still hate Biden, they'll find some way to spin this so it's "Brandon's fault"


Well-Known Member
just when you think you couldn't hate trump or republicans any more...they give you even more reason. and the kicker is, magats will still hate Biden, they'll find some way to spin this so it's "Brandon's fault"
Yeah as long as the GQP can keep acting tough (now) towards the Russians too, they can ignore the Saudi's and American oil companies' fuckery hammering our economy so that they can make sure to give their puppets the best chance to win back power in DC.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Yeah as long as the GQP can keep acting tough (now) towards the Russians too, they can ignore the Saudi's and American oil companies' fuckery hammering our economy so that they can make sure to give their puppets the best chance to win back power in DC.
it really makes me wonder just how stupid many people are...the information is there, all you have to do is read it, and it explains itself.
i'm not a blithering idiot, but i'm a long way from a genius, and i can see this shit, so just how fucking dumb does a person have to be to have the information in their laps and still ignore it?
why is propaganda so much more effective against some people than it is against others? it effected me quite a bit when i was younger, but once i decided to find out what the truth is for myself, it's all so transparent now, it's like watching people walk through spiderwebs and never even notice them


Ursus marijanus
it really makes me wonder just how stupid many people are...the information is there, all you have to do is read it, and it explains itself.
i'm not a blithering idiot, but i'm a long way from a genius, and i can see this shit, so just how fucking dumb does a person have to be to have the information in their laps and still ignore it?
why is propaganda so much more effective against some people than it is against others? it effected me quite a bit when i was younger, but once i decided to find out what the truth is for myself, it's all so transparent now, it's like watching people walk through spiderwebs and never even notice them
Being honorable is hard work. Being loyal is not. “Our honor is named Loyalty” as engraved on the SS dagger is this fact weaponized, so to speak.


Well-Known Member
How odd. I thought biden was a Democrat? Or are we doing that thing where the economy while you are not in office is the one you are responsible for? Likewise the economy while you are in is the last guys economy? Lol, man that takes some mental gymnastics. I guess we aren't suppose to believe our own lying eyes. All I can say is gas was like a 1.20 2 years ago and now it's almost 4.00. Likewise food prices were lower... actually everything was lower 2 years ago now that I think about it. Anyeay, keep your eyes closed tight, maybe if you repeat the lie enough you will believe it yourself

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
How odd. I thought biden was a Democrat? Or are we doing that thing where the economy while you are not in office is the one you are responsible for? Likewise the economy while you are in is the last guys economy? Lol, man that takes some mental gymnastics. I guess we aren't suppose to believe our own lying eyes. All I can say is gas was like a 1.20 2 years ago and now it's almost 4.00. Likewise food prices were lower... actually everything was lower 2 years ago now that I think about it. Anyeay, keep your eyes closed tight, maybe if you repeat the lie enough you will believe it yourself
Brilliant logic; I vaguely recall a lot of people staying home and not driving two years ago.


Well-Known Member
How odd. I thought biden was a Democrat? Or are we doing that thing where the economy while you are not in office is the one you are responsible for? Likewise the economy while you are in is the last guys economy? Lol, man that takes some mental gymnastics. I guess we aren't suppose to believe our own lying eyes. All I can say is gas was like a 1.20 2 years ago and now it's almost 4.00. Likewise food prices were lower... actually everything was lower 2 years ago now that I think about it. Anyeay, keep your eyes closed tight, maybe if you repeat the lie enough you will believe it yourself
Remember when you cried about Obama making money from his book while trump made twice as much just from playing golf as Obama's entire net worth, and then posted a meme about cognitive dissonance?

Those were good times.


Well-Known Member
it really makes me wonder just how stupid many people are...the information is there, all you have to do is read it, and it explains itself.
i'm not a blithering idiot, but i'm a long way from a genius, and i can see this shit, so just how fucking dumb does a person have to be to have the information in their laps and still ignore it?
why is propaganda so much more effective against some people than it is against others? it effected me quite a bit when i was younger, but once i decided to find out what the truth is for myself, it's all so transparent now, it's like watching people walk through spiderwebs and never even notice them
It really is hard to understand how willfully blind people have to be to continue their 'both sides' bullshit.

But I guess when you have dictators using the money that they take from their people to fund paid trolls and buy the propaganda machines like Fox News and have huge puff pieces written about how great they are , fund huge popular sporting events like the UFC, and chop up journalists with a bone saw when they are about to out your brainwashing campaign on the American people, you can get away with hiding a lot.

How odd. I thought biden was a Democrat? Or are we doing that thing where the economy while you are not in office is the one you are responsible for? Likewise the economy while you are in is the last guys economy? Lol, man that takes some mental gymnastics. I guess we aren't suppose to believe our own lying eyes. All I can say is gas was like a 1.20 2 years ago and now it's almost 4.00. Likewise food prices were lower... actually everything was lower 2 years ago now that I think about it. Anyeay, keep your eyes closed tight, maybe if you repeat the lie enough you will believe it yourself
Yeah Biden is a Democrat, once again cleaning up the mess left over from the last Republican administration.

The high inflation rate from 2021, is off of the lows in the crashed economy that Trump and the Republicans were in charge of.

In one year Biden and the Democrats oversaw more job hirings than the last 3 Republican presidents combined. A higher GDP (national income) than there has been in decades, incomes rising, on and on.

Notice all you right wing (even ones cat fishing as 'left') can talk about is inflation (from pandemic lows and when Trump gave the Saudi's and Russians a gift by cutting out the 3 million barrels a day from Iran by pulling us out of the Iran nuclear deal) and... shit that is about it.

So keep on selling troll.


Well-Known Member
How odd. I thought biden was a Democrat? Or are we doing that thing where the economy while you are not in office is the one you are responsible for? Likewise the economy while you are in is the last guys economy? Lol, man that takes some mental gymnastics. I guess we aren't suppose to believe our own lying eyes. All I can say is gas was like a 1.20 2 years ago and now it's almost 4.00. Likewise food prices were lower... actually everything was lower 2 years ago now that I think about it. Anyeay, keep your eyes closed tight, maybe if you repeat the lie enough you will believe it yourself
Wouldn't jobs be important too?

April 2020 gas: 1.84 unemployment rate: 14.7%
May 2020: gas: 1.87 unemployment rate: 13.2%

So, first, gas was never 1.20 per gallon on avg in US

Second, that was the worst unemployment rate seen in the US in a hundred years. Can't buy gas if you don't have income. At least that's true for the 90%. Unemployment rate today is around 3.5%. Too funny how you value low gas prices over jobs. But I understand. Living in Mom's basement., you need to get out some times.

Trump lost. Get over it.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
it's simple to look up the information, it's practically impossible to get a magat to see's a natural protective trait, their brains refuse to interpret anything that doesn't support the fantasy world they live in, they see something like a string theorist's white board, written in doesn't support their warped world view, so it's entirely incomprehensible to them

the pipeline they keep going on about not only wouldn't be finished for another year, but they seem to not understand that a pipeline doesn't magically fill itself with oil, it just transports it from one place to another, and all the oil it would be already being transported in alternate ways, this year...
they can't grasp that oil prices started to rise during the last year of trumps administration, because he insulted Iran, who then quit producing 4 million barrels of oil a day, on orders from putin, to shore up oil prices for a foreign dictator, and American oil executives.
they are incapable of grasping the idea that both the global supply chain disaster, and the war in Ukraine, between one of the worlds largest oil producers and a country that is an important transit country, that oil passes through on it's way to distribution centers, could have any effect on the global oil supply, or the price of oil...
in short, they have their heads so far up some republicans ass that all their information gathering orifices are clogged with shit
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Well-Known Member
it's simple to look up the information, it's practically impossible to get a magat to see's a natural protective trait, their brains refuse to interpret anything that doesn't support the fantasy world they live in, they see something like a string theorist's white board, written in doesn't support their warped world view, so it's entirely incomprehensible to them

the pipeline they keep going on about not only wouldn't be finished for another year, but they seem to not understand that a pipeline doesn't magically fill itself with oil, it just transports it from one place to another, and all the oil it would be already being transported in alternate ways, this year...
they can't grasp that oil prices started to rise during the last year of trumps administration, because he insulted Iran, who then quit producing 4 million barrels of oil a day, on orders from putin, to shore up oil prices for a foreign dictator, and American oil executives.
they are incapable of grasping the idea that both the global supply chain disaster, and the war in Ukraine, between one of the worlds largest oil producers and a country that is an important transit country, that oil passes through on it's way to distribution centers, could have any effect on the global oil supply, or the price of oil...
in short, they have their heads so far up some republicans ass that all their information gathering orifices are clogged with shit
@cawolves ' pretzel logic.

No more scrubs.


Well-Known Member Shot 2022-03-14 at 7.43.32 PM.png

High gas prices falsely attributed to a shutdown of US oil production

CLAIM: Gas prices are skyrocketing because oil production has been “shut down” in the United States.

THE FACTS: Oil production has not been “shut down” in the U.S., and gas prices are rising for several reasons, including higher demand after the easing of pandemic restrictions, multiple experts told the AP.
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Well-Known Member Shot 2022-03-15 at 9.55.44 AM.png
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has a hold on a stopgap continuing resolution that must pass by Friday if the federal government is to avoid a costly and dangerous shutdown. The Tennessee Republican, a peddler of conspiracy theories and far right-wing extremism, falsely insists that an HHS program includes $30 million in federal funds to buy "crack pipes" for drug abusers.

Politico co-congressional bureau chief Burgess Everett Monday afternoon reportsSenate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer "says he's working on scheduling the continuing resolution, which must pass by Feb. 18 to avoid shutdown. He has not filed cloture on it yet, hoping to work it out with Sen. Blackburn, who wants reassurances HHS isn't handing out crack pipes."

The "free crack pipes" claim, which exploded across the country last week thanks to a false report from the right-wing outlet Washington Free Beacon, has been thoroughly debunked by The Washington Post and other investigative outlets, but the GOP is refusing to let the falsehoods die.

"It's amazing to us that they continue to ignore this issue, and they continue to say they are fighting drugs when indeed they're enabling drugs," Blackburn told Newsmax on Monday.

Congress will have to jump through several hoops to avoid Blackburn's shutdown, given how late in the process they are. The House, which has already passed its bill to avert the shutdown, would have to again pass another bill, the Senate's which Blackburn is blocking.

Fox News' Chad Pergram:

It's clear for Blackburn the issue isn't the crack pipes, which are not and by law cannot be included in the HHS program. Blackburn has repeatedly voted in favor of shutting the federal government down, which she did by voting against continuing resolutions in December 2021 and September 2020.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
republicans don't have anything real to campaign on, so they grasp at least this dizzy asshole is from the other end of my state...although i do get Harshbarger, who is another trumptard magat ... it's fun living amongst the redneck magats, you never know what whackiness will ensue next, it's like living an episode of jackass, but the whole crew are republican politicians, and poor people and minorities are the shopping carts they ride down the hill into the burning pile of garbage...


Well-Known Member
republicans don't have anything real to campaign on, so they grasp at least this dizzy asshole is from the other end of my state...although i do get Harshbarger, who is another trumptard magat ... it's fun living amongst the redneck magats, you never know what whackiness will ensue next, it's like living an episode of jackass, but the whole crew are republican politicians, and poor people and minorities are the shopping carts they ride down the hill into the burning pile of garbage...
It just really truly sucks that they are actively making shit worse for everyone.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
It just really truly sucks that they are actively making shit worse for everyone.
it does, and the really sad part is that they are so deluded, that their racism, sexism, xenophobia, and insecurity issues seem real to them, seem like an appropriate response to real issues, to real people whose lives they are fucking up...
they think that minorities are either too stupid to cast a meaningful vote, or that they don't deserve a voice in their adopted country's electoral process, even though those people pay taxes, even though they came here looking for freedom, because we have a giant statue to hypocrisy in new york harbor, telling them to come...