Another root rot question.


Hey guys,

1st time doing hydro and seems to be going just fine, but 1 issue is starting to annoy me. from reading and comparing pictures im either convinced that its root rot or im just crazy, i noticed they brown colour a few days ago just about the same time i put in iguana juice grow which is brown i nature. So am i crazy or what. Also what is driving crazy "which i think its normal lol" is that my PH will be 5.6, an hr or two later will be back to 6.7.



Active Member
They look good. But if you want insurance, get some Dutch Master Zone to keep microbes from growing.


Hi there, thank you for the reply, i wanted to post an update as well it i noticed today a brown spot on the lower leafs, i did notice it before i did the new batch of nuts for the week "thursday" and seemed to stop but what is getting me worried is the other 2 seems kinda off, what i mean is that the leafs look frail maybe. but feel ok to the touch. Any input would be greatly appreciated.




Looks like i endeding up having Mag issue, will be buying some Epsom salt this week and pick up some cal-mag too if i can find any around here


Well-Known Member
roots look good. think about a beneficial bacteria like greatwhite or pondzyme. it promotes huge happy roots naturally and will protect them.