another white widow grow


Well-Known Member
i haven't done a journal in a while and it seems like the girls get a little more attention when i do one. so here comes a new one.
i started with 1 femed ww seed from nirvana, we will call her mom.

in this pic we have mom and 3 daughters. under a 400mh

here are 2 more babys in rapid rooters

and 2 more under a 1000hps in a 4x4 closet with co2 and a/c



Well-Known Member
in the 4x4 closet the temps stay in the 70's with lights on and in the low 60's in the dark. humidity stays about the 50 to 60% range sometimes a little higher. i'm growing in miricale grow organic potting mix with a bit of worm castings and perlite mixed in. keep it to yourself if your a mg hater.



Active Member
Good shit man.. I am also growing the infamous WW(check out sig) in a 4x4 homemade box. Where did you get the seeds/clones from? I got mine from BCSEEDKING.COM.


Well-Known Member
not much to the vegging space, just a broom closet with a 400mh running 24/7 hanging in it. the temps stay in the mid 80's to low 90's. i've got a new spot for the vegging as soon as these chicks get old enough to move outside. this spot is right next to the flowering closet.



Well-Known Member
here's a couple of ww that are heading for the chopping block at any time.

the first one has been under 12/12 for almost 4 months and the other at 3, i want 100% amber trichs and the first one is almost there


Well-Known Member
not much differnce in the plants but i did get a lot done to the hen house, maybe the chicks will be in their new home by sunday and i can setup the vegging room. if someone sees something they would do differnt or have any questions i would like to hear from you.


Well-Known Member
here's a few pics of the 2 oldest girls.

here's a couple of pics of the 2 oldest clones. the olny thing i've been feeding them is worm castings and dressing the top with compost, it looks like they are needing a bit more, so the next feeding they will get a light dose of fox farms grow big.



Well-Known Member
so i log on today and all my pics are gone and it really looks like no one is interested in my grow, i guess i'll go back to reading instead of posting while i enjoy this sweet ass plant i just chopped


Well-Known Member
so today i log on and all my pics are back. does everyone get writers block when they come to this thread? what can i do to make it more interesting?

yesterday the girls that are in vegging were looking yellow so they got fed some all purpose mg mixed at half strength, the reading was 750 ppm and the ph was 6.7. this morning they are nice and green.

one of the cuttings had 1 root poke out a few days ago, nothing new since then but it is a healthy white color so i'm not going to worry. i wish i had messed with cloning sooner.

the oldest of the 2 matures got chopped, i'm going to guess about 2 1/2 ounces dry. by the time i was finished trimming my hands were sticky and i got a sweet piece of scissor hash.

i'll post some pics when i find my camera.

come on folks, leave a comment, i talk to myself enough in the real world..... :peace:


Active Member
how many widow grows have you done? your plants look awesome in the pics. I want to try widow for my next grow and i'll definately use this grow as a guide.


Well-Known Member
hey jester, this is my second ww harvest, the first one was full of mold but what i got i knew i needed more. if you have any questions feel free to ask them, i'll try to help.


Well-Known Member
I just chopped down 3, and dam are they crystally. I just wanna eat one of my nugs. Anyways i harvested a tad early will 95% milky trichs 5% amber, but its an extremely uplifting high.


Well-Known Member
hey jake, i let this last plant go almost 100% amber, it will make you stupid. i've been smoking some ww that i harvested about like yours and some blue mystic. i'd get up in the morning and smoke and have a cup of coffee then get started with my chores. with this amber stuff it takes an hour just to figure out that i need to put on some shoes. and that is the lower small buds.

my go to pipe got shattered into a million small chads of glass, i bought this pipe to smoke my very first harvest. anyone have a link for pipes?

i need to find my camera, it usually reappears by now..... i'll guarantee i had a pipe in my hand when i sat it down.........


Active Member
hey jake, i let this last plant go almost 100% amber, it will make you stupid. i've been smoking some ww that i harvested about like yours and some blue mystic. i'd get up in the morning and smoke and have a cup of coffee then get started with my chores. with this amber stuff it takes an hour just to figure out that i need to put on some shoes. and that is the lower small buds.

my go to pipe got shattered into a million small chads of glass, i bought this pipe to smoke my very first harvest. anyone have a link for pipes?

i need to find my camera, it usually reappears by now..... i'll guarantee i had a pipe in my hand when i sat it down.........

Check out that's where i get my stuff.

so what do you recommend for harvest time. I've always heard that you want about 80% amber trichs, so i've been waiting. Is it just personal preference on the type of high you want?


Well-Known Member
it is all in preference jester. this is the first time i let it get like this, it was well worth the wait.

i've looked high and low for my camera, i'll be digging in furniture cushions tomorrow. i really think nana and the grandbaby really knows where it is at.

all the girls are looking good, the ones that got fed the other day are greening up nicely. the clones are going on 2 weeks and the one is olny showing 1 root but they are all still green and healthy so i'll just wait them out. the 2 in flowering are starting to get small pea size buds all over the place and the oldest girl is getting fatter by the day.


Well-Known Member
still no camera... i took these with my phone.

mother, vegging and clones

flowering room, i'll take some pics when the lights go out tonight, maybe get a better pic?

this is the last harvest from monday or tuesday


Well-Known Member
Same Here Seedsman White Widow

3 Gal pot
GH 3 part flora nutes
9 days 12/12 (2days Flower)


Well-Known Member
cleaned the fridge this morning getting ready for thanksgiving groceries wishing i would find the camera in the butter dish, no luck........
black friday is here and i will be in line to buy a new one, sorry about pics until then.

the oldest girl got her last flushing of fox farms big bloom, mixed 4 tbs to 3 gals of tap water ph'd to 6.7. she usually needs watering every 4 days or so, i figure here in 4 days i will give her straight water and then chop when she drys out. right now her trichs are 100% milky with a few ambers near the top. i'm looking for a 50/50 this time around.

the rest of them got straight water ph'd to 6.7

my cuttings aren't doing squat as far as rooting goes, i know it was the temps and i hope i have that problem fixed.

got 5 seeds planted of a blue mystic and northern light mix i did a few months ago. they are in rapid rooters.

i might have the start of a bug problem again when i watered i gave them a bath in neem oil and i have the no pest strips hanging. i going to crank the co2 up and maybe help chase them off. i thought it was a nute burn but this morning i seen the little white specs underneath the leaves, little bastards!!!