AN's organic nutes


i was just wondering if advanced nutrients 100% organic nutes could be used in a hydroponic system itd be my first time buying these products from them so i just wanna make sure if i can or if i have to use them in soil all help is appreciated thx


Well-Known Member
They work great in both hydro and soil. If you like the ease and convienence of soil I would recommend sunshine #4. It is like hydro in the sense you control all nutrients that go in as ss#4 has no nutes. It is spaghnum peat moss and perlite with dolomite lime added to stabilize ph. Another awesome product from AN is called Sensizym, when used with ss#4 on a regular basis through veg and flower you can re use the ss#4 for your next crop. Re use soil!! Really Sensizym breaks down all dead material in the growing medium, just remove the root ball and you are good to go.:joint::mrgreen: