answer a question with a question


Well-Known Member
is anyone else confused? i do have a question tho.. i got fifty seeds i found in a dime bag i got from this old guy who said it was KB or somethin, shit looks like fire its all brown and made me cough so hard my eyes almost popped out but anyway i put the fifty seeds in dixie cups with dirt from my backyard n some kitty litter its called purr lite thats what yall use right?

neways so i put tha fiddy dixie cups on my window seal and water em err twenty mins or so and waters starten to overflow out tha tops but once they root n get all big n whatnot how much are they gonna yield?? i hear some yalls get like a gram per watt and google says tha sun is like ten bazillion watts so does this mean ima be rich n buy an island??

ps.. anyone wanna come to my island when i buy it after i get dis dank kb?