Answer any indoor growing questions


Active Member
both are prodominatly indica and have about the same flowering period so i dont think it will be much of an issue there...however i am a noob


Well-Known Member
Majorly dissappointed in the advice I see on here. Sorry guys, not trying to bust balls or anything but some of you should be in the "Newbie" board.

Other plants soil is bad, can get disease. "White things" is perilite, it keeps the soil loose and airy so the roots can breath, also holds moisture.

Wal-MArts "grow light" will not grow, and you would need alot of them. (wrong spectrum anyway)

You cannot make a seed any kind of sex, its already genetically programed.

And I noticed someone recommended aluminum foil. Thats HORRIBLE, it will burn your plants, and its only like 60% reflective. Flat white paint is 90%, mylar is around 96%.

I STRONGLY recommend that some of you do your research. Check out the GrowFAQ tab. Look up lighting, grow boxes, and plant life cycle.

Don't get me wrong, Im not trying to bust balls here, I've seen some members reem people for questions and statements as such. I really just trying to help you out. If you rely only on random peoples advice (like "put foil up") instead of reading empirical evidence, then your setting yourself up for failure. Good Luck:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea you really need to do some research before asking all these basic questions, and yes you CAN influence the sex of a plant, at about 3 weeks of growth, use minimal light(16hrs), higher humidity, lower temperature. If antbody wants to dispute this you should read some books by Ed Rosenthal or Jorge Cervantes. And for the love of god dont use aluminum foil just get flat white paint. If you had read the faq you would already know all the answers to your questions and be well on your way.


Active Member
3days from clone -bud plants show a little yellowing use of flora bloom 2tsp per gal.
I have aeroponics 20 system with 600 watt HPS lighting system in a 4x7'6"
on a 12 12 cycle. any suggestions on lowering my ph naturally.


Active Member
3days from clone -bud plants show a little yellowing use of flora bloom 2tsp per gal.
I have aeroponics 20 system with 600 watt HPS lighting system in a 4x7'6"
on a 12 12 cycle. any suggestions on lowering my ph naturally.
new on comp. & growing


Well-Known Member
Plants need co2. I know that I can make it with sugar, yeast, etc., but I was wondering, if i sleep in my grow room (10'L x 7'W x 7'H), is this liable to produce adequate co2, too much co2, or too little co2?

Let's say I have only 9 plants. Thanks.


Active Member
Plant is about 17" tall and is getting little balls that look like seeds or bulbs growing on the top 2 or three tiers. What the hell are they?


Well-Known Member
rott- use 1/4 strength nutes at first.. or none at all untill they establish their appetites. Boo your not going to produce enough co2 to raise the ambient air amount enough. further more co2 needs alot of other necessites.. road.. thats a male them are nuts.. if anyone want to send me free samples ill be the test monkey


Active Member
clone-bud plants are yellowing 4days from clone - transition I am using a 600 watt hps and am using a aeroponic 20 with flora bloom at 2tsp per gallon
ph a little high at 7 looking for something natural to lower ph any suggestion greatly appreciated I am new to grow and comp


Active Member
i have a question. i have 6 babies about 7-10 days old. i have a couple of them bending over and not growing properly. i made sure i was not overwatering and their still not fully developed. so i got the idea this morning to cut a split in some alluminum foil and place on the weak plants. Will this help at all? if not ill just remove them and understand that all plants dont make thx guys


im thimking about adding some flourecents to my grow room in hopes to add the watts per sq. i run metal halide now and im not sure if the math stays the same considering there different lght sources. with my 1000w in a room thats 6x4.5 im getting 37 watts per square. if i add 8 40w flourecent grow aquarium bulbs am i now getting 1320w devided by 27 giving me 48 watts per square? I cant seem to find anything on using both lights!!!!!​