anti-arabic day?


Active Member
Umm yeah, we killed almost 1 Million of them during the Afgan/Iraq war, innocent or not, and less than 3000 americans died on 9/11.

1 American life = 333 Arabs dead

idk if somebody else posted this before in this forum but oh well... it cracks me up


Well-Known Member
they put him in jail because he killed dogs and deserved to go to jail. fighting dogs is terrible, and they should get more penalties than they already do. most animal crimes dont carry very high penalties. usually animal cruelty is just a fine, which is bullshit to me
YEARS for some dogs dyin is just not right i dont care who you are. i love animals just as much as the next but you dont see the police goin after rednecks that hog hunt for the dogs that die in those fights. how are those different than it fightin another dog? if anythin im sure the dog would rather fight another dog...and lemme say this again maybe they should find the murders of humans which roam free.


Well-Known Member
YEARS for some dogs dyin is just not right i dont care who you are. i love animals just as much as the next but you dont see the police goin after rednecks that hog hunt for the dogs that die in those fights. how are those different than it fightin another dog? if anythin im sure the dog would rather fight another dog...and lemme say this again maybe they should find the murders of humans which roam free.
i would say the difference is you get a hog for food with the hunt, and Vick was just doing it for sport. they put 2 dogs in a ring and they wont let them leave until one is dead or severely injured. just so some money can exchange hands. its all for bets. that is wrong and he deserved more time IMO. the dogs do not want to fight or be injured. the ones that do want to fight have been trained to do so.
plus people like him give a bad name to pit bulls. they are some of the most loving dogs there is. i had one in high school that wouldnt hurt anything

of course they should find murderers...



Well-Known Member
Take cover!!

The terrorists are invading with their planes..err..ships..ummm...camels? Yeah, camels!

Run for your lives!!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i would say the difference is you get a hog for food with the hunt, and Vick was just doing it for sport. they put 2 dogs in a ring and they wont let them leave until one is dead or severely injured. just so some money can exchange hands. its all for bets. that is wrong and he deserved more time IMO. the dogs do not want to fight or be injured. the ones that do want to fight have been trained to do so.
plus people like him give a bad name to pit bulls. they are some of the most loving dogs there is. i had one in high school that wouldnt hurt anything

of course they should find murderers...
oh yea i agree just ppl in general give pitbulls bad name. theyre one of the smartest, lovin, and loyal dogs you can find they're only mean if the person made them that way. my brothers both have pits and they're both too damn nice they will literally give you a hug if they've missed you. lol i fell he shoulda had to pay a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ton of money to animal rights groups but not the amount of time in jail he spent. so they get food and he's gettin money...whats the difference? they're both material goods that are gonna be used at the dogs expense and i dunno if you've ever seen those hogs but its not like a dog fightin a dog if that hog gets ahold of that dog its finished. why do you need dogs to take a hog down when you can shoot it? that to me is just as wreckless and wrong as fightin dogs and ppl do that every year.


Well-Known Member
oh yea i agree just ppl in general give pitbulls bad name. theyre one of the smartest, lovin, and loyal dogs you can find they're only mean if the person made them that way. my brothers both have pits and they're both too damn nice they will literally give you a hug if they've missed you. lol i fell he shoulda had to pay a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ton of money to animal rights groups but not the amount of time in jail he spent. so they get food and he's gettin money...whats the difference? they're both material goods that are gonna be used at the dogs expense and i dunno if you've ever seen those hogs but its not like a dog fightin a dog if that hog gets ahold of that dog its finished. why do you need dogs to take a hog down when you can shoot it? that to me is just as wreckless and wrong as fightin dogs and ppl do that every year.
yeah i also think a HUGE fine would be better than jailtime. maybe both the hog thing and dog fighting should be illegal. i dont know much about the hog thing, but it sounds like they shouldnt need the dogs