MI seems like a good place for great ideas to die. Detroit, Flint, MMJ, labor unions. Snyder saying something isn't on his agenda, like he did about MMJ, unions, firing staff, etc. is pretty much code for "I have the right not to incriminate myself." I agree with the post about Leyton, election year he was saying thing like...
"If a police agency brings me a case where there's evidence that the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act is being violated, we will review it to see what action to take, if any. ... It's up to those communities. They're the ones that have to find it. I will review cases brought to me on a case by case basis," Leyton said. "I don't think we will see (too many cases). ... Police agencies are pretty busy."
Now that he's safely in office he says this kind of thing...
“It just confirms what many prosecutors already knew,” said Leyton. “I always thought it was quite clear.” about dispensaries being public nuisances.
Genessee is not as safe a county as one would think given Flint's one ounce possession ballot initiative that passed. I personally think the new dispensary model ought to be the safe meeting place model. Caregivers and patients pay a small fee (like a membership) to have a safe place to exchange. Patients without caregivers can have access to a caregiver with room for them, and vice versa. All nice and legit. Like the police station for dropping off and picking up kids when the parents have split custody but also have restraining orders against each other. Just a neutral, well lit, secure facility.
That's the problem... we were promised jobs and revenue from this project- But guess what? All the jobs went to people they shipped in from down State-- and they have generated NO revenue at all- in fact, because they didn't meet their "close date" to get their government subsidy, they are now claiming poverty and reneging on the agreements they made (behind closed doors) with the Mason County Commissioners... there is talk of a big lawsuit in the works from the County against Consumers Energy, and a class-action lawsuit from the people of this township against both the County and Consumers for ignoring the Manufacturers recomended safety set-back limits and putting the Towers too close to the properties and homes of people who did NOT sign-on with the project. There are already people suffering the side effects from the flicker, vibrations and low-frequency "thrum"....My opinion on the wind towers , just more jobs to stimulate economy , geothermal should replace everything and money should be in the people's hands , not a private group of individuals.
It is just a marketing ploy for wind towers. We all know geothermal energy could replace everything safely.
I just want to comment I was way to baked when i made those comments and that I have since quit smoking since it makes me babble things that arent even true, including write blog posts. Anyway I was reading in one of the Billy Meier contact reports that the government hasnt been succesfully cloning people and in fact the only ones that did work had to be hooked up to machines and had developed tumors and something else it is in the contact reports. I think like 4 years was what it said that they had managed to live. Either way just wanted to comment how absurd what i had wrote was and that was just babbeling obviously.total non sense. either way dont let the system bring you down cause we will survive no matter what and keep on keeping on. Geothermal can replace everything tho. Salome! Peace in wisdom! and my bad for being such a babbeling idiot, i have since quit smoking !
Can I ask you what strain that was, and where I might be able to get my hands on some?
As far as anyone in GOV. supporting cannabis they are few and far between, and those like Obama that say they are for it, quickly change their position once their corporate masters tell them to fall in line. I mean pre election he said he wasn't going to touch Medicinal Marijuana, but has been cracking down harder than Bush.
It's not just BIG Pharma keeping cannabis illegal, but alcohol companies donate tons of money to the anti-legalization effort. Anyone that really wants cannabis legal should not only avoid big pharma, but boycott alcohol until cannabis is legal, as I have chose to do.
All of that said, I have seen public opinion change drastically since I first started visiting NORML as a highschool freshman. Within the last few years I have seen multiple documentaries about cannabis and seen cannabis all over television on the news etc. I honestly think that cannabis will be legal within 10 years. It is just a way different vibe around cannabis than when I first started using it. And I've got alot of hope as a result.
I almost fell off of my chair ...I was laughing so hardCan I ask you what strain that was, and where I might be able to get my hands on some?
I never liked Carl LevinI guess Carl Levin needs to go. As Carl Levin said, “you make the law and I’ll make the policy and I’ll win every time”.
Man Schuette was never an Oakland County anything.
Governor Snyder never took much position on MM prior to the election.
Snyder has met with a few MM lobbyists when he first came into office;
It's easy to hate the Rethuglicans; but let's not forget that The Mole was as anti-MM as Schuette.
I don't think Snyder belongs on this list.
Add L. Brooks to the list.
Add Jessica Cooper to the list.
Add Bouchard to the list.
Wind energy is a money grab. Not practical, being decommissioned in Europe. Plus they're fucking ugly