Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds


Well-Known Member
Im diagnosed schizoaffective. I take seroquel, risperdhal, and depacote. All I can say is that the medication changed my life in ways I never thought possible. It took about a year and a half of taking them before I started noticing a difference and since everything is slowly coming togeather. Im not exactly the same person I was before all this started but I no longer experience any of the voices, paranoia and constant panic attacks. Sometimes I would even hear a radio station in my head like an am talk radio program where they were talking about me. And of course other people could hear it too. usually wouldnt go out in public because I thought everyone could hear my thoughts. It was hell.
But after I started noticing the difference from the meds, I tried marijuana. Rolled a tiny bit into my cigarette and over the next few weeks built up a tolerance and have benifitted from its use since. That was about 3 years ago. Marijuana growing has acctually been highly theraputic for me since I look back now on where I was and how I used to be unable to focus on tasks such as keeping the apartment organized and clean or too freaked out to leave and go to the laundrymat to wash your clothes. now I can grow marijuana or go back to school. Alot of options are open to me now that I never saw before. Its been years since Ive felt like I could get into school and acctually learn.
And as far as getting "high" from the meds....When I was first taking my meds I deffinately felt high. Except I hated that feeling. They tried me on paxil and that made me see wires come out of the carpet. And Ive also had nightmarish hallucinations with zoloft.


@four2zerOallday: Because the cops in my town know me its small and there are a lot of kids who when they get asked questions by the cops roll over cause they don't know they don't have to say shit. Plus if I get any offenses between now and November 24th of next year I get an automatic 60 day jail sentence.

@ Brevity: this is the word I was referring to in my earlier post that my friend's brother is diagnosed with.

I'm hoping to get a garden set up soon with a buddy of mine. But until then who knows..

But back on the schizophrenic thing, I hear voices and noises a lot when no one is at my home. I occassionally hear someone shout my name, and can recall a few events in the past that may be explained by schizophrenia, however I've been meeting with the same psychiatrist for like 4 years now and have never brought it up and have no intentions too.

I also am coincidently a spiritual satanist so I cannot differentiate voices I hear as people or demons trying to reach me.


Well-Known Member
But back on the schizophrenic thing, I hear voices and noises a lot when no one is at my home. I occassionally hear someone shout my name
You can experience that just from spending a few hours in relative silence. It's one of the side effects of sensory deprivation.
Think of it as the brain running a diagnostic on a sensory system.

Sensory deprivation tanks can be a wacky experience for someone unaware of what to expect.