Ants killed my plants!!!

Well considering that humans are social learners.. it makes sense to ask others who may be more knowledgeable..
It is natural for learners to seek more knowledgeable others (MKO's as Vygotsky and Bandura call them)...
I am sure that you learned how to grow or do your electrical by experimenting... not by finding the information from another source

You learn from others regardless if you are doing research yourself and reading that info from another source.. or asking those who are most knowledgeable...
One of the problems with your type of learning is that it is subjective to your perspective and your limited experiences...
So when this individual asks this type of question, he is getting multiple perspectives from a broader scope of experience...
Too bad your contributions to the knowledge base are yours..
Maybe it had more to do with being lazy. Anybody can ask a question on a forum and blindly follow the responses. In effect absolving themselves of the burden of having to do research and formulate their own ideas based their findings. Which of course leads them to regurgitating the same bad information and spreading the cycle.

I learned how to grow pot the same way I learned how to fix bicycles, build computers, etc. Google, cross referencing, and coming up with my own answers.

By the way, hope i didn't come off as a dick! just woke up and got pretty baked =D

edit: May as well actually say something on topic!

Get yourself some neem oil and a pack of redman. Simmer the redman for 30 mins, strain it and add to some water, then add neem oil ( try to keep the neem warm, helps it mix ) now feed your plants with this nasty shit! The tobacco will kill on contact, the neem stays in the soil for a while preventing bugs. The neem is also taken up systemically by the plant. I do this to my plants every couple of weeks. Keeps most bugs out, isn't a very inviting place for them.
Termites and ant are not same kits. But their life style is same and they all harm us. So at first you should waste their nest for prevent their growth. If you need any information about their, click here
termites vs ants
termites vs ants


Global Moderator
Staff member
Termites and ant are not same kits. But their life style is same and they all harm us. So at first you should waste their nest for prevent their growth. If you need any information about their, click here
termites vs ants
termites vs ants
Its very possible that the op has figured out what to do since he started this thread two years ago.


I went thru this year before last. They are probably Black Aphids. Kinda look like ants. And they move FAST. They bore a hole in the stalk and eat the roots. Little bastards!! Took out my biggest plant...a 4 This is what I did. And it worked!
I gave the plant a drench (2 gal. bucket) of Azatrol (OMRI listed) as directed on the container. I also gave each plant on either side of it a drench. Next, I cut the plant off about 1' above the ground. I purposefully left the roots in the ground so as to NOT entice any bugs that might be left or their offspring to search out fresh roots on another plant. This is the only plant that had them at this point and they didn't spread. So, I waited about 6 days and drenched it again, and the neighboring plants a half dose of drench. That's it. I waited too long to discover what they were once I realized my plant had problems...dying branches starting at the bottom.
So, I lost that plant. If it ever happens again I know what to do immediately upon actually seeing the bugs. I think that one plant was infested with them as none of the other 23 plants had any at all. I got it from an ex-friend and they used fucked up soil, apparently. That's not why we are no longer friends...but when people don't do a great job with their plants and what they sell to their friends, they are doing other things that are unsavory as well. In my experience.