Any advice for soon to be apartment growers?


Active Member
Just remember, landlords and the leasing office has the keys to the house.

Just recently (during my break of growing) fucking lady from the leasing office came into my apt looking for me because I didn't answer my door. Guess it was cool since I wasn't growing but god damn.
damn thats funny! my landlord did the same thing fool was in my place and all said "the door looked lose and decided to fix the lock" checked that fool real quick even though nothing was in the house still my crib i pay rent so stay the fuck out!! lol yea bro good luck with your apt grow!!


Active Member
I started in an aprt. best thing to do is to drywall a secret area in a bedroom would cost ya 200-300 texture and paint it to match most landlords won't notice 2-4 feet missing from a bedroom on a quick inspection. Use a light mover cause more than likely it will be a rectangle shaped area. I set up a 1000 on a mover in a 4x9 area in the master bedroom of my old aprt.(80 in the bedroom when it was running from the exhuast, sucked but it was worth it)Aircooled hood and a 450 cfm vortex fan with a carbon filter gotta change the carbon every 5-6 months. Pulled it off 3 crops and got the cash rallyed to get my new place on a mountain overlooking the lake no neighbor and just fabulous. Do it there till you can afford to move but get your card it's easy to get hell my state gives cards to people in other states at the moment but I think that is going to change soon. Good luck and lose the roommates if you can cause people talk and thats how 99% of people get robbed or worse.