any advice using DR. Hornbys big bud ?


Well-Known Member
hi i just ordered some big bud liquid and im in week 2 of flowering .by the time it gets here it will be week 3 , is there any problems when using this stuff in a flood and drain system ? or any advice is greatly appriacted . do i mix like the bottle says ? thanks


Well-Known Member
i just wanna know what ppl think of this product and if i should just go ahead and start using it mid flower or to wait for another grow


New Member
I use the powder to great effect outdoors. Start with 1/4 strength and work ur way up. It's a good product. :peace:


Active Member
Works well. If you're using the AN calculator, start off with the light feeding schedule. Ignore the instructions on the label or you will kill your plants.


Well-Known Member
Works well. If you're using the AN calculator, start off with the light feeding schedule. Ignore the instructions on the label or you will kill your plants.
well im glad i asked , would you know the correct measurement to mix?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Id start low and build up,the stupid SOB at the hydro store to me to use it when watering,its too strong for that but I use it in soil and if you start slow you will be fine. I also use hammerhead and its better than big bud ,hammerhead adds girth.Big buds really not that stout


Well-Known Member
well it has arrived :) now what week during flower am i suppose to start using this ? i also got overdrive for the last 2 weeks too