Any bruce banner pros

That plants appears to be a soil grow?......finding out, that like many strains these days, is that everyones BB#3 is QUITE dependent upon the supplier....Some use their fav OG cut and others use the GHOST OG cut....And same with THEIR cut of Strawberry Diesel.....Mine is from MSNL who has a good rep and is listed high on the BB#3 supplier list for quality....I had one that had a VERY strong sativa structure...Narrower leaves, long branched and LONG buds that end with pointed spear shaped tips...MY BEST YIELDER too for a sativa structured plant...It was STACKED with buds...VERY resinous too...The other 3 that I grew out had more of a classic hybrid structure with conical tops...One was VERY OG looking....
Yours appears to have the sativa structured look....You find out when you flip to flower....Mine STRETCHED like mad compared to the others....Just finished trimming this afternoon...SLIGHTLY better than avg yield for 3 out of the 4, with the Sativa structured plant yielding nearly 50% more....She had over 6 oz on her which is real good for her footprint....6 plants occupy 20sqft......
Smoked exactly as described in many specs...Starts with a wack in the head, that keeps you from even wanting to do anything important, but quickly goes to a happy, feelgood buzz...Indica side shows within the 1st hour, but your still very alert and smiley....I like it....NONE of the 4 that I grew out were NOT worthy of jarring up.....I started MANY strains where a plant or 2 didnt make the jars...I only jar up the best...anything less will be used for extract or kief....I hate mixing a so-so plant with the good ones...So mine was consistently potent....Hope your plant comes out like BB#3 should...YT
There are (6) 3gal buckets in this closet....The back 4 are all Bruce Banner #3 plants from clones....The original 4 seeds were in the last crop, and this has 4 clones of the best plant from the original seeds....Although all 4, from seed in the original seed crop, were ALL of great quality, this plants had that 'something extra' that made her stand out as the best of the group....This cutting is a keeper now in my collection.....seeds were from MSNL...Great genetics!!!!!.....I have some Gelato and Do-Si-Dos, starting now, to sort out in the NEXT crop....The freebies were good too...Got a cpl Caramelicious, a cpl Alaskan Thunder Fuck, and banana Kush....ALL some NICE additions if a nice pheno shows in just a cpl seeds.....I have been REAL LUCKY with Freebie Seeds....Hopefully that trend continues....Anyways, The BB#3 ROCKS.....This keeper cutting is VERY resinous, Very fruity with enuf fuel scent to give it that NICE flavor....noticed a cpl phenos that showed were VERY WEAK with scents and flavor....Was lucky that the one with the most resin, and potency, also had the scent and taste.....Finding REAL KEEPERS in seed groups is like playing scratch-off lotto tickets....Sometimes you get a winner, but MANY are not...No Clones available in my area and usually they are $$$$$$ for a real good one if you are in an area with available clones for sale....So cracking seeds and cloning any great ones, is what gets done to start a collection of strains WORTHY of repeat growing....YT20210602_155710.jpg
Got a few more pics of some of the BB#3's from last crop (from seed)......grew out 4 total and 2 were what I was calling classic BB#3 phenos, 1 sativa pheno (very tall, branchy, but LOADED with frosty yielder), and 1 OG pheno (very OG plant profile with a knot up top, space and scattered nugs down from that), but more plentiful than a classic OG....That was MY classification of the phenos that showed (total of 3, from only 4 plants).....crop pic from just after transplant into flower room (back 4 are BB#3's) of a cpl side nugs hanging nearly dry...YT20210416_180847.jpg20210411_212153_(1)_Signature.jpg20210408_211534_(1)_Signature.jpg20210412_192636_(1)_Signature.jpg20210416_212123_(1).jpg20210416_211942_(1).jpg
BTW, it was what I called the OG pheno, that clones were kept for repeat growing....2nd best yielder (beside the Sativa pheno), best scent and flavors, best jar appeal, AND A BREEZE to clone for those WHO KNOW that some plants are a bitch to clone....YT
Cpl recent pics....I saved ones from 1of the original 4 BB#3 plants I grew from seed....This current crop (5 weeks into flower), has that clone in it...
I recently started Gelato, Do-si-dos and those came with some NICE freebie seeds...Banana Kush, Alaskan thunder fuck and Caramelicious....ALL NICE....I have grow all but the ATF in the past....That Caramelicious originally went by the name Delicious Candy from Delicious Seed...It is a REAL nice strain to grow...Yields amazing, up buzz thats kind of trippy/psychedelic...Nice sound and color distortion...THATS WHAT the phenotype I had did...LOVED IT....
Gelato and Dosidos are so current and sought after, I HAD TO HAVE SOME....
All will go real nice with my BB#3.....
Included here is a link to my google drive with a brief 30 sec video of my BB#3...Keep in mind these are only 5 weeks into flower which ultimately will take at least 9 weeks....The HPS is running so its hard to see detail, but all bud porn is good porn...LOL..YT
Interering Bruce Banner tidbits I found by accident in an article about 'RARE' strains....Somehow BB ended up in that catagory according to the author....BUT, his descriptions are SPOT ON....I agree with the multitude of phenotypes....I too really enjoyed that TALL Thai like happened to be the MOST finicky of all if them to grow....I have over 40yrs of growing experience and It would have take ANOTHER crop to get these tuned in the way I LIKE....Problem is, the need attention that doesnt fit all my other strains......It was somewhat light sensitive, Nute sensitive, and a pain in the but to keep pretty...fortunately, even with burnt leaf tips and MILD burn, the buds were just fine....A FULL CROP of just one BB phenotype is the way to can taylor it just for that one pheno....That TALL Thai like pheno was the most finicky, yet yielded the best and had the best smell and flavor...Her leaf tips burnt right up early on but a fast adjustment remedies it enuf to complete her without any adverse effects to the finished product....I DO HAVE one of the phenotypes I WILL CONTINUE....grows a lot easier and plays well with my other strains without special attention....I just shared some pic if her previous to this post.....She is just as resinous as that very tall sativa pheno and has more of an OG smell and flavor....But smells real good for a strain NOT KNOWN for sweetness...Yields CLOSE to that very tall sativa pheno...Her buds are OG structured on steroids....Much longer and fill in better than a typical OG real signs of excessive nutes....Her buds get so big, long and thick so fast, I cant imagine her having problems with avg flower nutes....I HAVE ALWAYS FED ON THE LIGHT SIDE....I KNOW my buds taste better for it and there is minimal flushing required at the end of flower....I cut flower nutes in half 2 weeks prior to harvest and they immediately respond by yellowing...The last week only, I withhold all nute and they yellow out nicely....I like yellowing to just reach the small sugar leaves sticking out of the main tops....ALL stored nutes are long gone and any chlorophyll is used up...SWEET AS CANDY AND BURNS CLEAN!!!
Anyways, it just MORE GOOD INFO for anyone interested in growing BB and is a great sanity check when you see some minor issues, EVEN THOUGH you know you've done the right things...Shes just a SUPER BITCH of patient and make minor adjustments and the final product wont suffer in the least....YTScreenshot_20210611-185716.pngScreenshot_20210611-185738.png
My biggest suggestion is to start a group, # them and # all the clones from all of them, find that pheno that DOES SMELL GOOD (some phenos have hardly any desirable scent), is very resinous, plays well with your other strains (if you grow a few like myself), Toss out all the clones from the less desireable phenos and you found your BB to carry on.....Just another observation, is that even my LEAST FAVORITE phenotypes in my group were quite potent...Might not smell real good and be a bitch to grow, BUT THIS STRAIN IS STRONG!!!!!....Even the less desirable phenos will all put you in a better place...YT
Not sure if anyone still doing the B.Banner....Cpl pics of current crop about 10 days from harvest....My closet has (6) 3 gallon Hempy style buckets....2 of the plants were harvested 2 days ago on Monday (diff strains)....Both finish strong at 8 weeks of flowering.....I spread out the 4 remaining plants (all bruce banner #3's)....I like to reduce the # of hours of daylight to 10 hrs, with 14 hrs of darkness....The Phenotype I cloned to carry on, is a more stubborn ripener...It takes the 10weeks to properly ripen....SHE IS WORTH EVERY EXTRA day.....Last time this plant was from seed and the tops were considerably smaller....I put them into flower earlier NOT KNOWING what her stretch world be....This time I knew I could veg longer, and a difference of 6 inches in veg made the bud LENGTH AND THICKNESS TWICE AS MUCH....6 inches of veg (during late veg of course), is only a matter of 4-5 days...They are vegging at 1.5 inches a day at that point....There will be CLOSE to double the yield per plant...There are tops 15 inches long and a cpl as thick as a soda can....
Anyways....This cutting has been WELL SAMPLED by myself and friends.....Sativa Dom. to the max and creeps HARD....A few ppl take took a cpl extra hits and wish they waited....LOL.....The high is EVERYTHING described in specs, and moreso...WOW....most potent in MY LINE-UP and I've collected some good pheno's over the years....Plants in pic are exactly 8 weeks into flower....The closeups are one of a Mid-plant bud, and one of BOTTOM buds...My bottom buds are NOT at the very bottom since I lollipop HARD during my defoliation session 2 weeks into flower...They get decent lighting...
This crop showed me what they like as far as pruning goes....Another BB#3 crop will have nothing BUT the proverbial Donkey D's.....Some of the largest buds I seen in a strain in a long time....QUALITY TOO....As ALL OVER THE PLACE the phenotypes are, you WILL find one with all the attributes to clone...YT


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These were the 2 other plants just harvested at 8 weeks.....They both occupied the 2 spaces near the closet door since they came down at 8 weeks.....Both NO JOKE strains....and both are real nice pheno's I found from original seed groups of both strains....NOT ALWAYS do I find a plant worth cloning when I start a new strain...Starting seeds is kind of like scratch-off lotto tickets, Sometimes you get lucky, but most are losers...LOL.....Depends a lot too on how demanding the grower is....I wont grow anything that doesn't meet MY STANDARDS....KEEP YOUR STANDARDS HIGH...
One is a bud pic of my Holy Grail (50/50 balanced), and the other is my Peyote Critical (very Indica dom...80% I believe)....BOTH yield, smell good, super frosty and Most of All, Potent with a quality cannabinoid profile........These are both keepers who will rotate in and out of my crop line-ups....20210622_233736_(1)_Signature.jpg20210620_000621_(1)_Signature.jpgYT20210622_233736_(1)_Signature.jpg20210620_000621_(1)_Signature.jpg