Any canadians here?


New Member
i am 16 right now and im deeply considering moving to canada, i go there fishing every summer and i love it. and im sure it will be perfect for my grow operations :)


Well-Known Member
really I live at the south end...I used to live further north in Bowser. That was the best place ever...Every other house was a grow show and everyone grew in their yards...Practically everyone I should say...There where a few bitches, but not many...

I was meaning further north even. Like the difference between Port Hardy and Winter Harbour. Totally different weather patterns and shit..


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah ive been to bowser its a great place i know a couple pll with grow shows up there theres like no cops the at all.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man its the shit. Thats funny...I wonder how many people on RIU are from Nanaimo, or the Island for that matter?