The current title to my row journal is 'First time Grower, Baggy Seed Indoors',
This information is now irrelevant as I'm growing and actual strain now, as the baggy seeds didn't last too long. My current plant has just over month left 'til harvest, and I'd like the title to be changed to
'Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors', as that's the strain I have growing currently.
Thank you for your time.
This information is now irrelevant as I'm growing and actual strain now, as the baggy seeds didn't last too long. My current plant has just over month left 'til harvest, and I'd like the title to be changed to
'Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors', as that's the strain I have growing currently.
Thank you for your time.