Any chance?


Active Member
I put my plants through 3 days of light starvation. No lights at all 3 days total. I just figured out they are not ready to harvest yet. How bad would it be to throw it back into a light schedule for another month and not worry about a thing?kiss-ass


Active Member
Sorry if i post a question instead of an info:
did you notice any trich development (e.g. clear to milky or milky to amber) during the 72h of darkness?


Well-Known Member
i think it would be alright.. from what i have read before, as long as it was in darkness the whole time the plant will just treat it as one night's darkness and you can continue with your regular light schedule.. i don't know this from experience but you should give it a shot!


Well-Known Member
i kinda have to agree..imo you just really dont want to be a tool and wake them up with blinding light for random amounts of time during dark hours...unless of course you are a tool. lol. but if not i think they'll be fine. :p


Active Member
i kinda have to agree..imo you just really dont want to be a tool and wake them up with blinding light for random amounts of time during dark hours...unless of course you are a tool. lol. but if not i think they'll be fine. :p
lol, okay. i'll be a tool.


Active Member
Sorry if i post a question instead of an info:
did you notice any trich development (e.g. clear to milky or milky to amber) during the 72h of darkness?
Yes, I did notice it. Very different hue. I think I fucked up this batch... I'm kind PO'd.


Well-Known Member
Show some pics so we can laugh together :) haha jk :)

but really post some pics so we can help you decide..

we all like pics


Active Member
Sorry if i post a question instead of an info:
did you notice any trich development (e.g. clear to milky or milky to amber) during the 72h of darkness?
Yes, I did notice it. Very different hue. I think I fucked up this batch... I'm kinda PO'd.


Active Member
Show some pics so we can laugh together :) haha jk :)

but really post some pics so we can help you decide..

we all like pics
I can't find the the digi-cam, but I can take some mobile ones. I'm not going to lie, I can't find it because I'm higher than a kite.bongsmilie