Any clue what this could be?


I am using a DWC. This is DJ Short Blueberry. This is 4 weeks into flower. I am using GH flora series. PPM is 700ish, water temps are 68 farenheit and PH is 6.0. Using a Black Star LED. The plants did suffer from root stunting in the first few weeks from seed due to not having a thermostat on my water chiller resulting in 50 degree temps.

Are they still suffering from lack of roots? Are my nutes too low? I was thinking maybe it was due to the LEDS being too close but I ruled it out since not all of the canopy of my SOG is affected.

i just raised my ppm to 1000. My previous grows I would be at around 1200ppm by now but I was told Blueberry didn't need much nutes.




Is this good enough? My LEDS were messing with the leaf colors so I broke off a real bad leaf off a smaller popcorn bud. I also notice I have alot of purple and violet stems. Is this normal for Blueberry? I remember growing g13 Lab Purple Haze that did that as well. Also I don't think a plant can suffer nute burn at the 4th week of flowering at 700ppm.Photo478.jpg