Any craft/commercial legs growers on here? Advice needed

Lucky lucky lucky. Id have a house full of plants
Well, there are restrictions. In Oklahoma, you can have 6 mature, and 6 seedlings per patient card, no limit on persons per household. As far as commercial growers, there is no plant limit. If you can grow 1 million, it’s legal for $3000 per year. $2500 to the State, and $500 to the Bureau of Narcotics.
Well, there are restrictions. In Oklahoma, you can have 6 mature, and 6 seedlings per patient card, no limit on persons per household. As far as commercial growers, there is no plant limit. If you can grow 1 million, it’s legal for $3000 per year. $2500 to the State, and $500 to the Bureau of Narcotics.
Alaska $1000 for limited grow. 500 square feet and that’s it. Or $5000 unlimited.

Home 6 plants. No more than 3 in flower. Max 12 plants in a household and they don’t care if 25 adults live there.
Listen...if you want to get in the “business” you would be far better off doing a great small grow...document the hell out of it. Figure out who the guy in charge of a grow facility...give them a sample (and talk up the genetics you have) and talk to them and become a head grower there...or work your way up. This does 2 will make a name for for yourself and probably make a decent paycheck....but more importantly you really get to see what works and what doesn’t and see where the pitfalls are and what can be improved....all on their dime. Then when things calm down in 5 years you can probably open your own craft facility if you see there is still money in cannabis for that in your state.

That is the only real viable way I see someone with little money succeeding I. These early times.
Why would anyone respond to these piece dreams. Asking how to run a business on a cannatard website..

These people don't understand basic reality let alone the seedy underbelly of the legal world.
Listen...if you want to get in the “business” you would be far better off doing a great small grow...document the hell out of it. Figure out who the guy in charge of a grow facility...give them a sample (and talk up the genetics you have) and talk to them and become a head grower there...or work your way up. This does 2 will make a name for for yourself and probably make a decent paycheck....but more importantly you really get to see what works and what doesn’t and see where the pitfalls are and what can be improved....all on their dime. Then when things calm down in 5 years you can probably open your own craft facility if you see there is still money in cannabis for that in your state.

That is the only real viable way I see someone with little money succeeding I. These early times.

I mean that's actually not a bad idea either.
I used to grow years ago but just got so much going on that I stopped. Now the industry has sort of changed. LED wasn't a thing like that when I was growing I've switched to that. Etc, small scale is way different from large scale and unless someone actually has a large scale operation it's highly unlikely they'll do an large scale illegal grow op here. At least I wouldn't risk that. Small scale where I'm at is already risky enough. Shit I'm thinking of doing a sea of green and that's enough risk as it is just due to the plant count even in a small space. You grow tired of having to watch your back.

If they legalize small recreational home grows then I'm all for that too.
If they legalize recreational in your state, you should be pretty safe for a bigger grow. I was under the impression your state was. It will give them too many heads for them to hunt and they won't want to risk raiding a grow that could be legal. Like I said, expand and don't let anyone in on it that doesn't belong to it. But, I am just preaching to the quire, you know what your doing. Good luck!
Alaska $1000 for limited grow. 500 square feet and that’s it. Or $5000 unlimited.

Home 6 plants. No more than 3 in flower. Max 12 plants in a household and they don’t care if 25 adults live there.
Wow that is a hell of a price to grow 9 plants. Weed must have a good market up there.
If they legalize recreational in your state, you should be pretty safe for a bigger grow. I was under the impression your state was. It will give them too many heads for them to hunt and they won't want to risk raiding a grow that could be legal. Like I said, expand and don't let anyone in on it that doesn't belong to it. But, I am just preaching to the quire, you know what your doing. Good luck!
They're legalizing recreational starting Jan 1st
Wow that is a hell of a price to grow 9 plants. Weed must have a good market up there.
I can get way more than 9 plants in 500 squares. But it’s everything else related from mandatory security meaning alarms. 24/7 video monitoring showing every square inch of the place and that’s not exaggeration. It’s the law. The $50 an ounce tax for bud paid by the grower BEFORE it can go to a retail.

The states need to formulate some sort of plan for home growers. It’s easier to make and sell food products that could harbor disease than growing some bud and selling it. It’s the money people, people. They pay to play and hate competition.
I can get way more than 9 plants in 500 squares. But it’s everything else related from mandatory security meaning alarms. 24/7 video monitoring showing every square inch of the place and that’s not exaggeration. It’s the law. The $50 an ounce tax for bud paid by the grower BEFORE it can go to a retail.

The states need to formulate some sort of plan for home growers. It’s easier to make and sell food products that could harbor disease than growing some bud and selling it. It’s the money people, people. They pay to play and hate competition.
Wow, another state overreaching its power and keeping power with the wealthy.
Wow!.. $50 an oz and $15 for trim?? That's some greedy taxation. There is no wholesale tax here, and you can dispose of your waste via compost, burning, or grinding. Other than the once a year fee, there have been rumors that some counties are slapping Dispensary owners with an additional $2500-$5000 city tax, but that's not been confirmed.
Man I just started to ignore some of the assholes on here...kinda fucked up because we're supposed to all be in this shit together.

Not everyone that isn't encouraging you to pursue this is an asshole. I try and provide people with the information they need to start a legal cannabis grow and point out the issues they will have. The amount of money, requirements, etc... If you're asking on an internet forum like this about starting a legal grow then you are not ready to proceed. I in fact even posted links to the official requirements that you should have already known. Too many people get a couple grows under their belt, their buddies tell them their weed is fire so next step is to start a commercial grow because everyone will be beating down your door for your weed. It isn't like that and the best thing people can do is open peoples eyes to what it actually takes to start a legal commercial grow. You can call us assholes if you want but we're just trying to help you avoid a potential significant financial loss and a bunch of grief.
Not everyone that isn't encouraging you to pursue this is an asshole. I try and provide people with the information they need to start a legal cannabis grow and point out the issues they will have. The amount of money, requirements, etc... If you're asking on an internet forum like this about starting a legal grow then you are not ready to proceed. I in fact even posted links to the official requirements that you should have already known. Too many people get a couple grows under their belt, their buddies tell them their weed is fire so next step is to start a commercial grow because everyone will be beating down your door for your weed. It isn't like that and the best thing people can do is open peoples eyes to what it actually takes to start a legal commercial grow. You can call us assholes if you want but we're just trying to help you avoid a potential significant financial loss and a bunch of grief.

Not you bro. I definitely appreciate the sound advice and realism that some like yourself.presented because it's always good to see both the bad and good and be realistic. But some were just being dicks also lol.
“In recent months, we have noticed an increase in the number of bankruptcy cases involving marijuana assets,” White wrote in an April 2017 directive to private attorneys throughout the country charged with serving as overseers of assets when a person or entity files for bankruptcy. “This is to reiterate and emphasize the importance of prompt notification to your United States Trustee whenever you uncover a marijuana asset in a case assigned to you.”

“The federal government has offered two arguments for why those cases should be thrown out of bankruptcy court, and judges even in states such as Colorado, with permissive state laws on cannabis, have agreed to do so. The first is that the trustee, who in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case is appointed to sell off assets in an effort to pay off debts, would be forced to break federal law by attempting to liquidate holdings tied to the drug.

“Until I start picking up the phone, and calling some of the contacts I have … the moment I do that I’m concerned that I’m violating the federal Controlled Substances Act,” Kevin O’Rourke, the appointed trustee in Stratton and Wright’s case, told Corbit at the hearing in May.”

This should scare the bejeezus out of most money people. But I will promise you that if this “illegal” marijuana business had a contract obligating them to anything that the courts WILL allow those cases to go through.
got the same answer from an attorney when we inquired about going legal here in Cali. But then we found out that in our county in California it's only a code violation for growing more than your legal limit and the fines are much less that the fees trying to go legal. So we acquired multiple properties to grow on and keep plant counts to less than 99 per property to keep feds out.

Best of luck
