Any creative thoughts?


Active Member
Just one of the most lovely little plants there ever was..

I have to leave in 10 days for 10 days, it's going to be ready to harvest about the same time.. any sooner would be a shame..

What to do?

Give it 5 more days and water cure? Man o man.. has to be a better idea..

I could cut and hang it right before I leave and it will be fine, but I will be gone AT LEAST 10 days.. so no bueno unless I want to come back to totally dry hay.

I could over water it and let it sit until I got back.. it would have to cope with 14 hours sun we get now vs the 12 it gets as it get's brought in daily but the last 2 weeks, what's it going to do, go hermie? It wont have time. But It could be dead or stolen when I get back. I'll have no control.

Any option I haven't considered?

Oh, it's in a 2 gallon pot so it will dry out in 4-5 days easy if the sun is shining.

no clue

Well-Known Member
Could transplant to a much larger pot and water it well..not a great solution cause it is a shitty time for you to transplant's all I got


Well-Known Member
let it die in the pot? right before you go, give it water and wish it the best. when you come back and if its dead it maybe perfect for jars, (being that it obviously didnt die on days 1-4 given a 6 day dry) or it might still need a day or two for more drying, shit she might even still be alive...


Active Member
let it die in the pot? right before you go, give it water and wish it the best. when you come back and if its dead it maybe perfect for jars, (being that it obviously didnt die on days 1-4 given a 6 day dry) or it might still need a day or two for more drying, shit she might even still be alive...
i would go with alive, ganja is an amazing plant, and it can survive some shit imo


Active Member
let it die in the pot? right before you go, give it water and wish it the best. when you come back and if its dead it maybe perfect for jars, (being that it obviously didnt die on days 1-4 given a 6 day dry) or it might still need a day or two for more drying, shit she might even still be alive...
Ya, I was kind of thinking the same thing.. but those few days of baking in the sun might degrade her a bit... I dunno.. it's a toughie.. I gotta do something,.. trying to weigh everything out. Bad timing on my part but it can't be avoided.


Active Member
i would go with alive, ganja is an amazing plant, and it can survive some shit imo
I dunno.. it's the exposure to elements and I could just see coming home to it eaten up by mites (I don't have any right now, but tis the season) or stolen.. I could leave it inside I suppose but it would not get any direct sunlight for over 10 days and would certainly stink up the place badly.. hmmmmm.


Active Member
I was wondering about that.. but 10, possibly 14 days? I really don't want to screw this one up.. it really is the perfect strain.


Ursus marijanus
You can keep it longer by placing ungroomed branches in there, in a damp container of some kind. But then grooming will be a miserable chore, and do you want to stare that down tired from your trip?

There's also the freezer! But as i have not tried that, I'm hesitant to recommend it.

If it's just for you, I can highly (!) recommend water-curing. cn


Active Member
You can keep it longer by placing ungroomed branches in there, in a damp container of some kind. But then grooming will be a miserable chore, and do you want to stare that down tired from your trip?

If it's just for you, I can highly (!) recommend water-curing. cn

I wouldn't mind the grooming at all when I get back.. I'm only talking about 3 ounces manicured. In fact I prefer to dry with all the leaves on and I manicure after it's 'mostly' dry because I find it improves aroma greatly (at least in my case it seems to) when I cure it later.

About water cure.. I've only tried it once.. I wasn't totally disappointed but it was an oddball non flavorful strain. This particular strain is amongst the best 'tasting' and smelling strains I've come across... I've spent a long long time looking for whatever kind of plant it is (the breeder called it 'Frankenstein') and I have to be honest, the thought of water curing kind of scares me as in in aI am not really a picky person.. but the smell and taste of this thing really trips my trigger..


If I did water cure, would I do it before I left, or hang the plant to dry on my last day here, and then water cure it when I get back>?


Ursus marijanus
If you choose to water-cure, you would best do it after your return.

After looking at your last post, putting large ungroomed branches (in a vase or with wet towel and plastic wrapped around the cut stems) in a clear corner of the fridge seems like the best call. I'd not have any garlic, Epoisses cheese, kimchi or lutefisk in there at the same time, though! ;) cn


Active Member
Ok.. let me bother you one more time.. sounds like you've done it enough to talk about it..

Soooo .. if I water cure, I could cut and hang my last day here, and then cure it AFTER it's already dry and it wont make any difference vs doing it when it is wet ? YES-NO??

How long do you do? 5 days? 7 days? How long to dry after that? About 1 day? And then just store it in jars or bags or it doesn't matter much because it is dry as dry can be anyway?

Any thoughts, MUCH appreciated.. thanks.


Well-Known Member
no dont transplant just for 10 days. you got 2 options, water it, cut it the day ya leave, then let it dry, which would be slower (becuase you just watered it), or water it, and provide some shade for it so it stays cooler.

id harvest probably


Well-Known Member
vaccum sealer + freezer look it up. when you come back it will be in the exact state you left it in, no freezer burn b/c of vaccum seal


Well-Known Member
Get a much larger pot. Put a couple of inches of soil in the bottom. Set your pot in, and fill in the empty space with soil, then water well. Voila! It will be fine when you get back and your buds will be ripe. I have done this several times when I had to be out of town. The freezer and fridge ideas are taking a bigger risk in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
^^ Yea, or get a large pan or other to put under the pot. Water the plant and have tray under filled with water. That should keep it wet for several days. If the tray under it is deep enough it could last 10 days.

If the plant is dry when you get home it will be all the more ready for harvest so no loss there. Cover the soil on top with something, that will help keep it moist too.


Ursus marijanus
Ok.. let me bother you one more time.. sounds like you've done it enough to talk about it..

Soooo .. if I water cure, I could cut and hang my last day here, and then cure it AFTER it's already dry and it wont make any difference vs doing it when it is wet ? YES-NO??

How long do you do? 5 days? 7 days? How long to dry after that? About 1 day? And then just store it in jars or bags or it doesn't matter much because it is dry as dry can be anyway?

Any thoughts, MUCH appreciated.. thanks.
Sorry I missed this ... signed off last night.

Also, a disclaimer ... I'm still learning a lot of these ropes myself. So some of the stuff i say has high confidence and some, only moderate.

I believe that you can dry it crisp while you're away, then effect a good water cure. But that's in the Moderate category, and I do not want to remotely risk your stash on the possibility that I've got this one wrong.
Now the higher-confidence stuff:
When i water-cured, I did it in the fridge with very dry weed. I immersed it in fresh cold water in a large jar, with a weight to put and keep it under.
I changed the water every day, pouring off yellow/green, soapy and stinky (like steamed broccoli!) broth the first time and a thinner soup on successive days.
Drying after the cure was simple ... spread on a plastic sheet (I used an unopened kitchen trash bag) until dry.
The weed looked water-cured, but it smoked very softly and hit hard. If you exercise reasonable gentleness in pouring off and refilling the water, you'll lose no (less than a fractional per cent) trichomes. Jmo. cn