Any easy ideas to double yield?


New Member
I'm looking for any ways I can easily double my yield with my plant before flowering.


Well-Known Member
Scrogging bro the big goal growing scrog is to get a gram per watt hell of easy ill never turn back hope this helps keep it green!


Well-Known Member
doubling your yield from there should be pretty easy just veg it for another 2 or 3 weeks


i would either go with a scrog ( i wouldnt personally but its a good method) i like to personally tie them down and train them thru what i call an invisible screen, it makes for more room in general and as long as your meticulous and keep on it its just as good or better than using a dude said, the only way your going to significantly raise your yield is if you better your growing conditions AKA bigger and better light with more watts and lumens....longer veg time with good training and LST'ing and a little pruning here and there....co2 might help raise a yield 10-15% idk personally. there are other things but its pretty basic, u want more weed,

1. grow longer
2. grow bigger
3. more more more more light
4. environment ( as they say, LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION)